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标题: 2017年澳洲技术移民评分标准 最新版 【附加分细则说明】 [打印本页]

作者: 他予我梦    时间: 2017-5-10 12:17
标题: 2017年澳洲技术移民评分标准 最新版 【附加分细则说明】
本帖最后由 他予我梦 于 2017/5/10 16:24 编辑
澳洲技术移民评分标准 2017版2016年9月10日,澳大利亚技术移民 SkillSelect 评分标准正式实施在澳洲完成2年 STEM-I 硕博学位的申请人额外加5分的政策。这是自 2011 年澳大利亚技术移民实施新评分标准后第一次增加评分因素,2012年澳洲移民部将 SkillSelect EOI 分数从65分降低到60分但并没有改变评分细则。下面介绍的评分标准是以2017年官方最新标准整理的,当前澳洲技术移民所有评分项最高分总计 130 分,达到 60 分就有希望被 EOI 邀请。此评分标准适用于 189,190 及 489 三个普通技术移民签证 General Skilled Migration (GSM),具体评分项及得分如下:
英语20IELTS 4个6是前提,0分;4个7 10分;4个8 20分,认可PTE,托福等
特殊教育资格5澳洲两年 STEM-I 专业的硕士或博士学位有额外5分加分
社区语言5通过 NAAIT 2级或3级可以获得5分加分
配偶加分5通过职业评估且满足英语 Component 水平,可以加5分
州或偏远地区担保10获得 190 州担保加 5 分,获得 489 偏远地区担保加 10 分
总分130EOI最低邀请分60,一般人学历15,工作10,年龄30, 需要州担保加分

在上面的 General Skilled Migration (GSM) 评分标准里大部分申请人工作经验和年龄无法同时拿满分,也就是工作满分了年龄可能就减分了,对没有澳大利亚学历的一般可以拿到的分数是:学历15(本硕),工作10或15(5年以上或8年以上),年龄30或25(33之内或40周岁之内)。总计是 15+10+30 或 15+15+25 ,55分,需要州担保或配偶加5分才够 60 分。对有2年澳洲学历的申请人,可以额外拿到5分澳洲学历分,澳洲偏远地区或人口低增长地区的可以再额外拿5分,期间考个 NAATI II 级可以加5分社区语言,如果是 STEM-I 的硕博还可以额外加 5 分,毕业后读个专业年(PY Professional year)可以再额外 5 分,留学生移民分数上还是有优势的。当然有些项也有时限限制,例如专业年要求是 ITA 前4年内取得的。
澳洲技术移民年龄评分 -年满 18 周岁才能申请技术移民,澳洲技术移民年龄上限是 50 周岁,从 45 岁以上评分就是 0 分。年龄比较小的,18-24岁,只有25分,33-39 周岁也是 25 分。超过40周岁分数骤降10分,只有15分(最高分的1半)。澳洲技术移民的黄金年龄是25-32周岁,对本科来说,32周岁工作一般不超过9年,对硕士来说,32周岁工作很难超过7年,博士相应的毕业后工作经验就更少,加上当前很多职业在评估阶段会减年限,因此一个人,年龄,学历和工作经验很难都拿满分。对年龄评分提醒申请人注意两点:
  • 年龄是按周岁算的,例如 25-32 周岁是满分,那么没有过33周岁的生日就算32周岁,满分;
  • 年龄真正计算分数的时间点是获得邀请(ITA)时才有意义,而不是提交 EOI 或提交某个申请的时间点,因此要考虑到等待邀请过程中年龄可能减分的问题,应该提早准备,提前排队。
    18–24 years25
    25–32 years30
    33–39 years25
    40–44 years15
    45–49 years0
    You can receive up to 30 points based on the age you were on the day you were invited to apply.
    You must have been younger than 50 years of age when you were invited to apply for this visa.

    澳大利亚技术移民英语评分标准 -与加拿大这个双语国家不同,澳大利亚只有英语考试加分。加拿大技术移民只认可G类IELTS和加拿大自家推出的 CELPIP,澳洲当前认可5类英语考试成绩,且在没有特殊说明情况下雅思A,G都认可,且有效期3年(配偶证明达到 functional English 不交语言学习费时考试有效期是1年)。加拿大英语考试成绩有效期是2年。澳洲技术移民英语按能力标准分为5级,申请 GSM 普通技术移民需要最少满足 competent English (对应雅思4个6),但这个成绩没有加分。达到 proficient English (对应雅思4个7)可以加10分。达到 superior English (对应雅思4个8,现实中很少见)可以加20分。大部分申请人英语这项只能得0分。对中国区考生,考 PTE 比考雅更容易达到 proficient English 级别,其中原因你或许懂的,不懂没关系,重要的是在雅思久攻不下时可以尝试一下换个脑筋。English language abilityYou must be able to demonstrate that you have at least competent English language ability at the time you are invited to apply and when you lodge your application.
    No points are awarded for competent English.
    You can receive 10 points for proficient English or 20 points for superior English.
    The results of one of the following English language tests, undertaken not more than 36 months prior to the time you were invited to apply for this visa, can be used to evidence your English language ability:
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
  • Occupational English Test (OET)
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT)
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic
    Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) test results will only be considered if the test was undertaken on or after 1 January 2015. A CAE test undertaken before 1 January 2015 cannot be accepted.
    IELTS has an academic test and a general training test. You need only take the general training test unless your assessing authority tells you otherwise. You are only required to provide the test report form (TRF) number or the test registration number that is on your English language test certificate.

    澳洲技术移民工作经验加分澳洲技术移民技术雇佣加分(Skilled employment)与新西兰技术移民的技术雇佣加分有区别,任何澳洲或境外的与提名职业相关的工作经验都可以加分,不需要有澳洲对应的雇主offer,也不需要必须是紧缺职业。里面的几个重点概念飞出国会逐个介绍。澳洲技术移民工作经验分数最高20分(包括澳洲和澳洲之外的全部工作经验累计得分);要求的是近10年内的,例如近10年内澳洲有1年有效工作,境外8年有效工作经验累计可以拿20分。
  • Only 20 points can be awarded for any combination of skilled employment in and outside Australia
  • In skilled employment for at least three but less than five years (of the past 10 years)
  • skilled employment in your nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation
    澳洲的职业评估有单独机构负责,通过职业评估是申请澳洲技术移民的前提之一,要获得工作经验加分就必须是具有与职业评估通过的专业相关的工作经验才可以。澳洲技术移民里相关工作经验的定义是 ANZSCO代码里前4位代码相同的职业,属于同一个 Unit Group 的,例如 261311 分析程序员和 261313 软件工程师前 4 位代码相同都是 2613 ,属于软件开发职业组,他们就属于相关职业。飞出国上面特意强调的有效工作经验,因为2013年4月起,ACS 开始在职业评估阶段扣减2-8年年限(澳洲2年本科以上学位的评估时需要有1年毕业后工作经验但不扣减工作年限),2015年1月起 VETAssess 也开始扣减1-3年工作年限(根据专业和所评估的职业确定具体扣减年限)。这样就导致最普通的申请人的工作经验又打折扣,对工作经验不足10的申请人满足近10年内8年工作经验变的更困难。飞出国认为澳洲对全职工作经验的界定还是相对宽松的,与加拿大每周要求 37.5 小时不同,澳洲只要求申请人每周有 20 小时与提名职业相关的工作经验就可以被认可,这给某些申请人同时提名多个职业提供了可行性,因此飞出国有时建议申请人同时提名多个职业以增大州担保或签证几率,因为州担保的职业清单是基于 ANZSCO 6 位代码的具体职业而不是 4 位的 Unit Group,例如某个州可能只担保 261313 软件工程师但不担保 261311 分析程序员。Skilled employmentYou can receive up to 20 points for skilled employment.
    To claim points for skilled employment you must have, in the 10 years before you were invited to apply, at least 20 hours of paid work per week in your nominated skilled occupation and/or a closely related occupation.
    Skilled employment is where:
  • the relevant assessing authority provides an opinion in your suitable skills assessment that your employment is skilled (you must use the date that skilled employment commenced stated in your skills assessment)
  • your employment experience meets the standards for skilled employment set by the relevant assessing authority on their website.
    Assessing authorities that have publicly available standards on their website that we will refer to for assessing skilled employment are:
  • The Australian Computing Society (ACS): Migration Skills Assessment - see 'Summary of Criteria'
    If the relevant assessing authority standards for assessing skilled employment does not have publicly available standards that we refer to, your employment experience must meet at least the minimum indicative skill level set by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). This may apply to occupations which require registration as evidence of a suitable skills assessment.
    What is a Closely Related Occupation?
    Any periods of employment in a closely related occupation must be undertaken at the equivalent skill level of your nominated occupation. This means that any employment that you claim as ‘closely related’ to your nominated occupation should be:
  • in the same ANZSCO Unit Group. For example, the occupations of Management Accountant and Taxation Accountant are in the same group, or
  • consistent with a career advancement pathway. For example, Accountant to Chief Financial Officer, or
  • where the relevant assessing authority has determined that the employment is closely related to the nominated occupation.
    Working at least 20 hours a week
    ‘Working for at least 20 hours a week’ means 20 hours paid work each week. You may also meet this requirement where your employment provides for variable hours of work that extend beyond a week such as some shift workers and fly in fly out workers.

    澳洲技术移民学历加分 Qualifications
    澳洲技术移民教育学历(Qualifications)加分是博士 20 分,学士 15 分,专科及其他学历 10 分。可以是澳洲学历也可以是境外的与澳洲学历对等的学历。中国教育部认可的学历都可以与澳洲学历进行对等,对学位教育签证阶段一般只需要提供教育部学位认证就可以,因为职业评估机构在评估职业时大部分都会首先对从事该职业需要的学历进行评估,某些特殊情况下,澳洲移民部可能要求申请人进一步申请 VETAssess 学历认证 Vocational Education Training and Assessment Services 来进行学历对等的认证。对博士学位,澳洲技术移民一般只认可相当于4年学制的博士(involving extensive research, coursework, exams and the writing of a thesis/dissertation)。如果没有本科学士学位只有硕士学位,要想加15分需要认证该硕士学位至少等同于澳洲对本科学士学位要求的学历(at least comparable to Bachelor degree level)。澳洲移民部一般以评估机构的评估为准,评估机构通过了,对应的学历也就默认被认可了。其他的学历大概可以拿到 10 分。对没有澳洲学历的申请人,学历10分,工作10分,年龄30,也只能申请 489 偏远地区签证。而且从职业评估角度看,本科之下学历只有技工 TRA 是最容易通过的。QualificationsYou can receive up to 20 points based on your educational qualifications at the time you were invited to apply.
    Points can be awarded for your highest tertiary qualification. For example, if you have completed a Bachelor degree and a Doctorate degree, you can receive points for the Doctorate degree.
    The relevant assessing authority for your nominated occupation can usually determine whether your qualifications are of a standard that is comparable to a relevant Australian qualification.
    If the relevant assessing authority that conducts your skills assessment cannot give you an opinion about your qualifications, contact Vocational Education Training and Assessment Services.
    Doctorate Degree
    To receive 20 points for a Doctorate you must have met the requirements for an award of doctorate by an Australian educational institution or the award of a Doctorate, by another educational institution, that is comparable to a Doctorate at Australian standards.
    A Doctorate generally comprises more than 4 years of study, involving extensive research, coursework, exams and the writing of a thesis/dissertation.
    Bachelor Degree
    To receive 15 points for having at least a Bachelor degree, you must have met the requirements for an award of Bachelor degree by an Australian educational institution or your qualification must be considered as at least comparable to a Bachelor level at Australian standards.
    Note: To receive 15 points for a Masters degree, you must also have a Bachelor degree completed in Australia or overseas, or the Masters degree must be considered as at least comparable to Bachelor degree level at Australian standards.
    Australian Diploma or Trade qualifications
    You can receive 10 points for an Australian Diploma or Australian trade qualification.
    Any other qualification
    You can receive 10 points for any other qualification or award which is recognised as suitable for your nominated occupation in your skills assessment by the relevant assessing authority.

    澳大利亚技术移民澳洲留学学历加分在澳洲留学2年以上的才有可能加到澳洲学历的5分,对留学课程的具体要求(Australian study requirement):在澳洲合法完成2年(16个月,92周)英语授课的 CRICOS 注册课程,可以是连续的多个课程,已经获得证书的,可以获得5分澳洲二年学习加分。SkillSelect澳洲技术移民(包括州担保)
    从 澳洲485签证概述 继续讨论: 澳洲技术移民澳洲学习加5分(Australian study requirement),不要求专业和提名职业相关 对485签证持有者来说,申请移民时要求专业和职业相关: Qualifications must be closely related to nominated occupation 。 但对于有澳洲留学经验然后申请189、190或489技术移民时对澳洲2年学习在EOI里的加分没有要求专业,达到学习要求就看可以。 You can receive five points if you have completed one or more degrees, diplomas or trade qualifications for award through a course or courses taken at an Australian educational institution. Your course or courses must: be registered through the Commonweal…Australian study requirementYou can receive five points if you have completed one or more degrees, diplomas or trade qualifications for award through a course or courses taken at an Australian educational institution.
    Your course or courses must:
  • be registered through the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Course for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
  • have been completed in a total of at least 16 calendar months
  • have been completed as a result of at least two academic years of study
  • have given all instruction in English
  • have been completed while you were physically in Australia
  • have been completed while you held a visa authorising you to study in Australia.
    A course can be counted only once towards the Australian study requirement. Any failed course subject cannot be counted.
    As evidence that you completed the course or courses, you need to provide:
  • a certified copy of a completion letter from your educational institution, including
  • the dates the course began and ended
  • the date the course requirements were met
  • the location of the campus where you studied
  • certified copies of course transcripts.
    Two academic years of study is defined as 92 weeks of study in a course or courses registered by CRICOS. CRICOS determines a standard duration (number of weeks) for each course.
    This is a measure of the amount of study you have completed, rather than of how long it took you to do it. The study does not have to be full time.
    You can take longer to complete course work, but you will be credited with the number of weeks that CRICOS determines as a standard duration. For example, if it takes you 92 weeks to complete a course that CRICOS says should take 78 weeks, you will receive credit for 78 weeks only.
    If you are given credit for prior learning, you could be exempt from taking a relevant course. An exempted course cannot be counted towards the Australian study requirement. Credit cannot be counted on the basis of study done either overseas or within Australia in a non-CRICOS registered course.
    The 92 weeks of study could contribute towards the award of one of more acceptable qualifications. In this instance, the courses of study need not have been done within a 24-month period. It is possible to have a break between completing the first course and beginning the second.


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