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标题: 雅思口语中“优劣类”问答题的答案扩充技巧 [打印本页]

作者: 心里的歌    时间: 2013-11-21 12:43
标题: 雅思口语中“优劣类”问答题的答案扩充技巧
对于雅思口语Part 1和Part 3中的优劣类问答题,有六个用来快速思考理由思考理由的关键词,可以供备考时间过短或者口语基础太“潮”的同学在考试时实在想不出思路被“干”在那儿时解围使用:  Time  Cost  Mood  Health  Safety  Knowledge  其中health除了身体健康physical health也包括心理健康psychological health比如我们来看一道Part1中较“另类”的考题:  Do you think children should be allowed to drive?  这个题的视角很蹊跷,但是没关系,不妨试试六字诀:  Time-Kids can get to school earlier if they are allowed to drive.  Cost-It would cost more for teenagers to learn to drive.  Mood-Driving is exciting for youngsters,no doubt about it.  Health-If children got hurt in an accident,they would suffer more physically and psychologically.  Safey-Some teens may will NOT be able to drive safely.  Knowledge-It would be nice if children could learn more about traffic rules through driving.  这只是给您的一点提示,当然,您也可以完全用这六个提示词想出属于自己的ideas.  需要提醒的是:六字诀对口试的Part1和Part3问答题最有效。  但也有特例,比如最近在大陆考区有道十分著名的Part2卡片熊经常出没:  Describe a TV show that you dislike.(不喜欢)  喜欢的电视节目比较好说,但描述自己不喜欢的节目却不太容易深入下去。  也用六字诀试试:  Time-Too late (around midnight) and terribly long  Cost-It cost (cost的过去时还是cost) a huge amount of money to produce.  Mood-It’s totally heavy (沉重的) and depressing(非常压抑的).  Health-Filled with violent scenes and is psychologically damaging to youngsters.  Safey-I’m even afraid it would lead to some youth crimes.  Knowledge-It doesn’t bring any fresh ideas and is often interrupted.(节目中间被打断) by stupid ads.(如果内容庸俗的则可以说It’s tacky.)  这样一个TV show 足以给人nightmare了吧。  在头脑中实用六字诀需要对它们大量练习,熟练掌握才能在考场中用于自如。如果觉得自己已经很有把握了,那么可以再加上View (美观还是丑陋) 这条补充理由作为备用,如果连前面六条还没记熟就不考虑这条视觉理由了。  最后还是要强调:六字诀知识在实在没有招儿了时作为救命稻草,对于能自己快速想出ideas的题就完全不必依赖它们,毕竟在雅思口语里流利度是相当重要的一个指标。  同学们不妨小试牛刀一下:what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in big cities?想要了解更多的信息请加成都环球国际教育咨询QQ: 2381579742/微信。

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