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《GRE词汇分类记忆宝典》一书由世界图书出版公司北京公司于2013年5月出版。作者在《序言》中写道:本书揭示了GRE词汇的结构规律,创新了GRE词汇的记忆模式,可帮助广大GRE考生快速突破GRE词汇,使广大GRE考生免受或少受GRE词汇背诵之苦;并以指导女儿参加GRE考试取得较好成绩为例进行了说明。《GRE词汇分类记忆宝典》倡导,GRE词汇应一类一类地记,一群一群地记,即所谓的类群记忆法。类群记忆法为每类单词设计了一个“记忆核”,单词的记忆犹如在“记忆核”的基础上滚雪球,这是类群记忆法所以能显著提高记忆速度的原因。按照词根词第一、同形词第二的原则,《GRE词汇分类记忆宝典》首先鉴别出612个词根,包含2837个单词,约占词汇总量的42.1 %;其次分析出2276个同形词(33.8 %);余下单词按前缀词(383个,5.7 %)、、学科词(206个,3.1 %)、同义词(673个,10.0 %)、相关词(138个,2.0%)、其他词(230个,3.4 %)等划分。每类单词,特别是词根词、前缀词类型的单词,具有显著的相似性,可举一反三,可进行推理,作者将类群记忆法称之为理解性、推理性英语单词记忆法主要基于此。《GRE词汇分类记忆宝典》认为,快速突破GRE词汇的奥秘在于:熟记612个词根、74个前缀,理解、读熟词根词与前缀词(在理解的基础上多读几遍)。如此,从数量而言,掌握了近50%的GRE词汇;从难度而言,可能掌握了70%乃至80%的GRE词汇(因为其他类型的GRE词汇,如学科词、同义词、相关词等,大多结构简单,涵义明确)。现举5例予以说明。例句选于《The OFFICIAL GUIDE to the GRE revised General Test(GRE考试官方指南)》与《BARRON’S NEW GRE:备考策略与模拟试题》。
1. It was her view that the country’s problems had been exacerbated (worsened) by foreign technocrats, so that to ask for such assistance again would be counterproductive. 【官方指南,52】
exacerbate、technocrat、counterproductive等是理解本句的关键词。从词根、前缀的角度对其涵义分析如下:⑴exacerbate:ex(前缀:超)+ acerb(词根:酸)+ ate→加重,恶化。⑵technocrat:techno(词根:技术)+ crat(词根:统治)→统治技术的人→技术管理人员。⑶counterproductive:counter(前缀:相反)+ productive(常见词:adj. 生产的;多产的)→事与愿违的。
2. Always circumspect, she was reluctant to make judgments, but once arriving at a conclusion, she was intransigent (resolute) in its defense. 【官方指南,319】
circumspect、intransigent等是理解本句的关键词。从词根、前缀的角度对其涵义分析如下:⑴circumspect:circum(前缀:环绕)+ spec(词根:看)+ t →四处看→慎重的⑵intransigent:in(前缀:不)+ transigent(adj. 妥协的)→不妥协的⑶resolute:adj. 坚决的,坚定的⑷reluctant:adj. 不愿的,勉强的
3. Wills argues that certain malarial parasites are especially malignant because they have more recently entered humans than other species and therefore have had insufficient time to evolve toward benignity. Yet there is no reliable evidence that the most harmful Plasmodium species has been in humans for a shorter time than less harmful species. 【官方指南,326】
malignant、benignity、insufficient、parasites等是理解本句的关键词。从词根、前缀的角度对其涵义分析如下:⑴malignant:mal(前缀:坏)+ igant →恶毒的,充满恨意的。⑵benignity:ben(e)(前缀:好)+ ignity→慈祥,宽厚,温和,善行。⑶insufficient:in(前缀:不)+ sufficient(adj. 足够的,充分的)→不足的,不够的⑷parasites:para(前缀:旁边)+ site→在旁边吃→食客,寄生物。⑸malaria: n. 疟疾。⑹Plasmodium: n. 疟原虫。4. The general was such a contrarian that, at times when it appeared that the only sane action would be to capitulate (submit), he became all the more determined to fight to the bitter end. 【BARRON’S NEW GRE,449】
contrarian、capitulate、submit等是理解本句的关键词。从词根、前缀的角度对其涵义分析如下:⑴contrariant:contra(前缀:反对,相反)+ riant →反对的,对立的。⑵capitulate:cap(词根:头)+ itulate →低头→投降⑶submit:sub(前缀:下面)+ mit(词根:送)→送往下面→使屈服。
5. Some critics of the administration maintained that it was disingenuous (mendacious) of the White House to describe its proposal to reduce welfare payments to single parents as “tough love”: the plan, in their opinion, while decidedly tough, was not loving at all. 【BARRON’S NEW GRE,449】
disingenuous、mendacious等是理解本句的关键词。从词根、前缀的角度对其涵义分析如下:⑴ingenuous:in + gen(词根:产生)+ uous →性格像出生时的→单纯的,纯朴的。⑵disingenuous:dis(前缀:不) + ingenuous→不坦率的。⑶mendacious:mend(词根:修补)+ acious →修补太多→不真的,撒谎的。
1. It was her view that the country’s problems had been by foreign technocrats, so that to ask for such assistance again would be counterproductive. 【官方指南,52】A. amelioratedB. ascertainedC. diagnosedD. exacerbatedE. overlookedF. worsened2. Always circumspect, she was reluctant to make judgments, but once arriving at a conclusion, she was in its defense. 【官方指南,319】A. deferentialB. intransigentC. laxD. negligentE. obsequiousF. resolute3. Wills argues that certain malarial parasites are especially because they have more recently entered humans than other species and therefore have had time to evolve toward . Yet there is no reliable evidence that the most harmful Plasmodium species has been in humans for a shorter time than less harmful species. 【官方指南,326】
A. populous
D. ample
G. virulence
B. malignant
E. insufficient
H. benignity
C. threatened
F. adequate
I. variability
140. The general was such a contrarian that, at times when it appeared that the only sane action would be to , he became all the more determined to fight to the bitter end. 【BARRON’S NEW GRE,449】A. capitulateB. remonstrateC. exonerateD. submitE. repeatF. resist141. Some critics of the administration maintained that it was of the White House to describe its proposal to reduce welfare payments to single parents as “tough love”: the plan, in their opinion, while decidedly tough, was not loving at all. 【BARRON’S NEW GRE,449】A. wittyB. accurateC. disingenuousD. diplomaticE. mendaciousF. salient