北區頂層公寓出租,房間整齊清潔, 入牆大衣櫃, 雙人床,書桌, ,大書櫃,煮食用具全部都有.在公寓頂層, 往CHERMSIDE SHOPPING CENTER 跟車站只需5分鐘.公寓有游泳池,車位,BBQ area.
只跟一女生share 洗手間
$160/per week $200/2pp per week 包水電網
Amy 0413895365
Stephen 0403651981
CHERMSIDE appartment for rental now!! Clean and tidy bedroom.
TOP level of the appartment, got everythings you need. Big built in wardrobe, desk etc.
Convenience location, walk to shopping center and bus station only 5 mins.
Share toilet with one girl only!
$160/ 1 pp per week and $200/ 2 ppl per week (bills included), FEMALE ONLY Due to technical issue, I can't upload photos. Plz contact us, we will send you the photo.
feel free to contact:
Amy 0413895365
Stephen 0403651981