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标题: 溫馨獨棟祖母房地區方便 [打印本页]

作者: o0sayuri0o    时间: 2015-5-9 14:05
标题: 溫馨獨棟祖母房地區方便
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**Hard to find spacious GRANNY FLAT - convenient area**(溫馨獨棟祖母房)
尋找: 愛狗,不抽菸之人士
房間: 獨棟祖母房+獨自進出+獨自陽台及淋浴及廁所 + 床及書桌椅跟衣櫥+盐水游泳池
地區: Sunnybank 4109中心, 交通便利
(離140/130/139/等等 公車站 走路不到2分鐘)
(離Market Square/Sunnybank Plaza 等等超市 走路不到十分鐘)
價錢: ~$250 pw
接受短期/長期 出租
有意者請聯絡: [email protected]
Currentlyon the lookout for an easy going, friendly individual to occupy a solitary cosygranny flat in the heart of Sunnybank (you will get room to yourself)
DO YOU…… notsmoke + like dogs (I own a medium sized adorable terrier that’s usually in thegarden)
ARE YOULOOKING FOR…… Solitary furnished Granny Flat (with own shower & bathroom) +free use of the pool + private balcony
DO YOU WANTTO LIVE…… Less than 2 minute walk to bus stops that run to major universitiesand the city (130/140/139/137/etc.) + less than 10 minutes’ walk to SunnybankPlaza and shops/plethora of restaurants
IF THISSOUNDS LIKE YOU…. and you are interested in more information, I'd love to hearfrom you. Please don't hesitate to contact me for more info: [email protected]
(consideringboth short and long term stays)

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