
本帖最后由 mem 于 2011-10-23 22:59 编辑

A couple of hours in the refreshing morning, brighton jetty, yielded two medium size squids and a sand crab.   
There was the old man Valentino caught the biggest fish in his record at brighton--a 70cm flathead monster.  {:7_320:}

ok, I confess that I was too lazy..it's just not worthy to make spicy stir-fried crab with ginger and shallot, or curry crab for only one small sandie.  So I took the quickest way--boiled in salted water.

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there were plenty squids this morning, about 40 had been caught by fishermen before midday, then those young girls wearing bikini started to dive from the jetty end, and as expected, no more fish or squids since then
回复 2815133 的帖子

反正晚餐主菜不是螃蟹。  刚刚用一条鱿鱼和别人换了条鲤鱼, 晚饭就吃鱼,螃蟹还没想好怎么吃
回复 泥巴 的帖子

thank you {:4_165:}
回复 2815133 的帖子

you serious?  只有一只小小的sand crab哦{:4_111:} 你要怎么煮?
回复 2815133 的帖子

你要是在南區還有時間, 不然半小時后就開飯了 {:4_166:}
Frank_FAN 发表于 2011-10-23 19:39

回复 pet139 的帖子

tempt drops again, there won't be crabs for another whole week
回复 aliens 的帖子

man, you should check out the dodge tide at gulf  st vincent,
still quite lucky to get a snook, i haven't seen one yet
回复 彩云追月 的帖子

啊? 謝謝了。可能就一兩公里遠吧。   我其實對海鮮的興趣大一點{:4_109:}。

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