[器材] 2手摄影器材出售,求购集中帖!

{:4_108:}同志们准备的怎么样了???  24号仅在咫尺啊.
我也出设备。。迫于生计。。没办法啊。。我有一个N家的55-200MM  VR F3.5-5.6 买回来用了就两三次, 快门也才摁了10下不到,昨天突然发现卡上的钱让我汗颜。。。于是出掉这个 350带UV 有意者加我QQ 407613117
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本帖最后由 tallgeese 于 2009-5-18 10:37 编辑

1。出奥林巴斯 e300 + 40-150ED+uv镜   1G CF卡  9.5新以上 快门次数3200  价格500    只要机身也可以
Pentax K10D w/bettery grip. anyone interested?
mob: 0401 833 145
msn: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
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i got a 35/2 and a 16-45/4 but the zoom is kind of promised to david already, unless you can talk to him about it.

looking at around 700 for body, grip, 3 batteries, charger, box, manual
can throw in some 8gig SDHC Class 6 memories cards for a cheap price. I have 3.
feel free to throw me an offer, add me on msn.
1。出奥林巴斯 e300 + 40-150ED+uv镜   1G CF卡  9.5新以上 快门次数3200  价格550
tallgeese 发表于 2009-5-17 19:03

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