
let's try brighton...
like 2am?
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回复 aliens 的帖子

met an aussie dude there today, he is gonna stay fishing at the jetty over night for some bigger fella.

the best time maybe 4-7am.    i won't mind to try at 2am as long as you have a car and willing to pick me up/drop me home. lol
mem 发表于 2011-4-28 21:12
回复 aliens 的帖子

met an aussie dude there today, he is gonna stay fishing at the jetty over night ...

last time i met an friend told me to try at 2am for squid.

anyway, add my facebook or sth...i will post you
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本帖最后由 mem 于 2011-4-28 21:29 编辑

回复 aliens 的帖子

squids are attracted by the pole light throughout the night but their biting pattern really depends only on the tide and weather.
in dawn it just yields more squids and crabs, and possibly some big fish check the beach.

我前两天就去了啊。。掉到了一个神马的leather jacket的 其他的什么也没有
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回复 judytsai 的帖子

大多數老頭都是等 whiting和garfish, 你釣到剝皮牛耶
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reno888 发表于 2011-4-29 10:21
BRIGHTON可以说是城里附近我最喜欢去的钓点了~~我经常都是晚上去钓SQUID的~~最好的收获是一个通宵钓了30条左 ...

回复 mem 的帖子

什么是波牛皮呀? 我有看到人家抓whiting可是太小了 ms都不到legal size呢
回复 mem 的帖子

你们都是怎么抓squid呀 怎么我一只都抓不到 什么世道呀
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