[uq] ACCOUNTING 四个学期的经验和总结( 汇总贴)

cathy0303 发表于 2013-2-1 16:14
请问你读的是mcom accounting advanced 吗 要读四学期。我只读三学期

yes, I studied the advanced course.
cathy0303 发表于 2013-1-15 15:52
姐姐 did u study  pro acct advanced? is that why it was four semesters?

yes, I did.
cathy0303 发表于 2013-2-18 22:38
请问 那姐姐你考了cpa 或者icaa吗?总是搞不清 这两个到底是怎么回事。我上的是一年半的。姐姐你觉一年半 ...

Well, I have finished 3 of my CPA courses. CPA and ICAA are basically the same, they are all professional bodies for accountant.
I do not feel they are different when it comes to finding a job. They do have some difference as I know, for example, ICCA has three semesters per year which means you can finish your 6 professional level courses within two years. CPA only has 2 semester per year. However, finishing early does not mean you can become a qualified accountant immediately, you still need to have 3 years practice experience any way.This is the same requirement for both CPA and ICCA.
About finding a job, I could not tell how much it will affect you if you have finished two years programme. It is not really relevant. I would say the employers will look at your communication skill, your grade more than how long your study programme is.
楼主。。可不可以问下你上学的时候打工吗?我14年2月要到昆士兰大学读会计研究生(1.5年)。。我有朋友已经去uq读会计研究生了。。他们说uq的acc不是很好。。于是他们转学到了qut。。楼主可不可以给我些指点。。关于uq会计专业是不是我朋友说的那么“不好”。。谢谢您 :)

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