
  现在笨鸟雅思小编为大家整理了两个雅思写作高分模板的内容,是关于观点选择类型的。  A or B ,which one do you agree with? Give specific reasons for your answer. (A,B 表示供选择的两种观点。Do C 指题目中提及的某件事情。如:some people prefer A in order to Do C.  写作模板一:  A much debated issue these days is whether A or B. Some people say that A. Others claim B. For my part, I agree with those who stress A.  Studies have shown that (1) 赞同 A 的原因之一。  Moreover, (2) 赞同 A 的原因之二。  Nevertheless, it would be a mistake to discount the impact of B.  We all know that (3) 列举 B 的优势。  For instance, (4) 举例说明 B 的优势。  However, I think that without A,B will fail to (5) 总结观点。  写作模板二:  Some people hold the opinion of A. Others, however, believe B. there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides. Accounting to my personality and fondness, I would prefer A rather than B.  Although B(1)B 的优势,there is no evidence to suggest that B is better than A.  Firstly, (2) 选择 A 的第一个原因。  Secondly, (3) 选择 A 的第二个原因。  We can see that (4) 举例说明选择 A 的第二个原因。  Furthermore, (5) 选择 A 的第三个原因。  For instance, ( 6 )举例说明选择 A 的第三个原因。  So, as I see it, (7) 总结观点。 以上就是雅思考试中,雅思作文的部分模板,同学们可以灵活运用,祝大家在新的一年都取得好成绩。雅思学习相关推荐:

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