阅读:苹果何苦为难三星 三星新品美国禁售

Apple won an injunction against Samsung Friday afternoon that bars the sale of the Galaxy Nexus in the U.S.
The decision was made by judge Lucy Koh, the same judge who granted Apple's injunction against Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet earlier this week.
Koh's ruling says the Galaxy Nexus is too similar to the Apple's devices to not be considered a patent infringement.
Apple claims the Galaxy Nexus infringes on several of its patents for the iPhone.
Apple will have to post a $95 million bond to uphold the Galaxy Nexus ban until the case goes to trial. That figure is cover potential damages should a trial determine Samsung is not infringing on Apple's patents.
The Galaxy Nexus is Google's flagship Android device. It's one of the few devices that run the unaltered, latest version of Android called Ice Cream Sandwich. It'll also be one of the first phones to get the new version of Android, called Jelly Bean, in mid July.
Google gave about 6,000 developers and members of the press a free Galaxy Nexus at its big I/O developers conference this week.
快讯:据国外媒体报道,美国地方法院法官高兰惠(Lucy Koh)当地时间周五批准了苹果提出的开庭审判前在美国市场禁售三星Galaxy Nexus手机的申请。苹果和三星在数个国家大打专利战,相互指控对方侵犯了自己的专利,目的是争夺快速增长的移动市场上的霸主地位。自2010年以来,苹果开始在全球范围内掀起专利战,打压Android的增长势头。
延伸阅读:美国当地时间6月26日,法院宣布支持苹果请求,同意在美国禁售三星最新产品Galaxy Tab 10.1平板电脑。苹果公司认为三星Galaxy系列手机与平板电脑的设计特点“生硬抄袭”iPhone与iPad,比如显示屏图标外观等,侵犯了苹果的专利权与商标权。苹果一直是手机界老大,但近年来三星发展势头迅猛,两大手机巨头为维护自身市场和销售频频打起专利战。三
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