
Waking up refreshed is a great way to start out the day on the right foot. However, there may be times when you wake up tired and unable to immediately get the day going, even though you've had a full night's rest. Here are a couple reasons that may be causing you to wake up groggy:
1.Poor quality of sleep
It doesn't matter how long you sleep for if you're it's low-quality rest; you'll just wake up tired. Poor-quality sleep can be caused by factors such as sleeping with a pet, drinking caffeinated beverages late in the day, or having too much noise in the background.
2.Waking up in the wrong phase
Your sleep is split into cycles, and you might've woken up during the non-REM stage, which is a state of very deep sleep. Try to shoot for waking up during a REM phase, because then your body will be better prepared to wake up.
睡眠也是有不同周期的。如果你在非快速眼动阶段(non-REM stage),即深睡眠时期醒过来,那么就会觉得好像没睡醒一样。所以,要尽量在快速眼动睡眠(REM)阶段醒过来,这样你就能为起床做好更充分的准备。
3.Medication hangover
The effects of certain medications that cause drowsiness can linger until the next morning. Check with your doctor to see if you can adjust the dosage or change medications.
4.Medical condition
Certain medical conditions like sleep apnea can disrupt your night's rest. Disorders like depression can also cause you feel drained of energy, a symptom that can contribute to your grogginess.
5.Your body clock is not in sync
If you've been keeping an erratic sleep schedule, then your body will probably need time to adjust to waking up at a certain time during the morning. Try to make a more regular schedule, and you'll probably see a difference in how you feel in the morning.
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