

本预测里面的所有口语Part 1-3答案和A/G类大小写作范文和听力预测版本号内容(整理好的听力机经)YYB会员有提供,具体请进入叶毅斌新浪博客看置顶文章http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_598d89ad01017qeb.html



每一份雅思考试试题其实是大部分旧题目+个别新题目的重新组合,听力60%-70%是旧题,写作80%旧题目或者旧题目改造组合,换汤不换药,口语98%-100%旧题目。70%次考试难度适中,20%次考试稍难,较难占10%次, 2012年雅思不会有什么明显变化--难度,题型是不会变的,最多是根据每场具体情况增加修改点题库的题目。有鉴于此,叶师研发了YYB资料

继 2012年4月14日/4月12日/4月21日/4月28日/5月10日雅思考试预测全面大中后http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_598d89ad0102dz8d.html
1.2012年5月12日叶毅斌再次完全在最重点预测中A类雅思一模一样大作文题目和素材:Sending criminals to the prison is not the best method of dealing with them. Education and job training are better ways to help them. Do you agree or disagree?
2.2012年5月12日叶毅斌再次完全在最重点预测中G类雅思大作文题目和素材-环境污染保护问题More and more pollution and waste created these days. what does problems cause people? what individual should do to reduce the pollution?在5月12日YYB预测G类第5题,所有学员都写练讲过,很透彻!YYB会员G类资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,YYB会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
2012年5月10日叶毅斌雅思预测再次连续听力写作口语等全面大中!2012年5月10日雅思考试再次全部在最重点预测中听力所有旧题:两旧(两新),S2=V100306S2,S4=V101009S4;再次完全预测中雅思大作文题目和素材:广告利弊--Nowadays consumers are faced with the advertisements from competitive companies. To what extent do you agree that consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures should be taken to protect them?人们面对越来越多的广告。广告对人们有什么影响。你有什么建议。预测中A类小作文是曲线-英国孩子出生率。一共六个线。以上大小作文题目,YYB会员A类资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,我们的全球网络一对一学员(课堂详细讲练过),YYB会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得不错。再次在最重点全部预测中所有已经考完的口语话题,绝大部分是旧题--YYB资料里面都有详细答案或者可以互相套同的答案。

2012年5月19日,5月26日A类大作文具体题目预测:(调整了第1,2,8,25, 27,28题,YYB资料有提供所有题目范文)预测题目按照重点先后顺序排列,可以根据自己时间取舍最前面10题(最重点)/15题(一般重点)/20题(次重点)/30题。1. Young people are important resources to their country, but governments may ignore some problems faced by young people in running the country. Please show those problems and give your ideal suggestions to solve them. 或者In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? Give reasons and make some suggestions.

2.Some peoplethink children should learn to compete,but others thinkthat children should be taught to cooperate. Express some reasons of both views and give your own opinion.或What is your opinion about a success of a team: does it depend on mental attitude of the whole team or on the strongest individuals?

3. The development of science and technology benefit our life. However, scientists cannot find effective solutions to the problems they created. To what degree do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 或The typical teaching situation of a teacher and students will no exist in 2050, to what extent do you agree or disagree?
4. Nowadays there are various methods to relieve the pressure in modern life. Some read or exercise, others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?或There are different types of music in the world today.
Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?或Sports are very popular in today's society. Some people believe, "Winning is the only thing." Others believe, “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game." Is there a way in sports in which both opponents could "win" a game? "Lose" a game? Detail your thoughts on this issue in an essay of about 250 words.
5. Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address. We have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? /或Damage to environment is an inevitable consequence of the improvement in the standard of living. To what degree do you agree or disagree to this position?

6. In the past people thought that education was only for young people. Now it is believed that education is for a person's whole life. Do you agree? State with you own experience and specific details.

7. Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on both students and teachers. Some people say they do a good job in the evaluation of the students’ performance. What is your opinion?

8. When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 或More and more people using mobile phone and computer to instead of letters. Will letter disappear completely? Agree or disagree? How important of letter writing you think are?

9. Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality continuously, students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on teachers. Others think the respect and discipline in the classroom will disappear. Which opinion do you prefer?
10. Should governments spend money on art, when they have so many other important issues and concerns? You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
或者 Creative artists should be given freedom to express their ideas (words, pictures, music and films. However some people think government should take some restriction with them. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give your reasons with own knowledge and give examples.


1. Some people say that governments should pay for the public health care and education, while others say that it is not the government’s responsibility. Please discuss both views and give your own opinion.或Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities. To improve this situation, some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years. Others, however, believe every one has the free right to choose where to work. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

2. Most people have dreams of one day becoming rich. But does the average person have the ability to make a lot of money? Think about this question. Then write about 250 words describing your thoughts.或 Some people believe that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others believe there are other factors. Discuss the two sides and give your opinion.

In many countries,the proportion of older people is steadily increasing.
Does this trend make positive or negative effects to society?
或 Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to new generation companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons and personal experience.

4. Since cities have changed a lot, the size of the cities has grown enormously. Discuss the causes and consequence of the enormous size of cities.

5. Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on both students and teachers. Some people say they do a good job in the evaluation of the students’ performance. What is your opinion?

1.You have just arrived in the city where you are going to spend two years for your master’s degree. You have a lot preparation to do before the new term stars, but you do not know how to go round the city. A friend you have newly acquainted offered you guidance and helped you through difficulties.Write a letter to express your thanks.
2.You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer office at the college and ask for a new room next term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reasons.

3. You have made an appointment with your teacher, but failed to keep it. Write a letter to your teacher to
1)apologize for your failure to keep the appointment,
2)explain your reason to your teacher, and
3)express your wish to make another appointment.

4.write a letter to request information about scholarship/Finance assistance offered by your College.

5.A friend is already attending Oxford college in the UK. You will be going to the UK next year.
Write and ask him/or her about what you should do before you go. Ask him/her about any problems he/she has had.

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