越俎代庖了,关于税务和退税等一系列问题(jothfer 专业经验解答)

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请问楼主,我去年挣了,30312刀,单位交了,4800多刀的税,我前年也是差不多这个数,退回了1300多刀。今年就 ...
东风暗换年华 发表于 2010-8-9 17:06

求教E-TAX的下载地址。。。去年退过 今年想上网退!
马路杀手 发表于 2010-8-9 23:12

http://www.ato.gov.au/individual ... m&page=5&H5
照着说明一步步走就成了, ps.天儿冷,别脱了
楼主 你好  我丈母娘是143 父母付费移民签证  签证下拉 人来了已经半年 但是我申请了3次ABN号码  还是没有申请下来    之前2次都是 有回信说 有问题   之后我打同声翻译电话说 我只要在申请就可以  但是还是没有消息
楼主 你好  我丈母娘是143 父母付费移民签证  签证下拉 人来了已经半年 但是我申请了3次ABN号码  还是没有申 ...
cabben 发表于 2010-8-21 21:37

可以解释一下 RENTAL PROPERTY 的退税吗?我有一个1978年的UNIT出租,Depreciation
可以解释一下 RENTAL PROPERTY 的退税吗?我有一个1978年的UNIT出租,Depreciation
fiona81 发表于 2010-8-26 10:19

did u buy the property in 1978 or the unit was built in 1978? If u bought the unit from someone else, the first owner must has depreciated the building, in that case, u can't claim the building depreciation.
Any capital works after u purchased the unit can be depreciated in 40 years, while things like TV, furnitures, etc over $300 can be depreciated for vary years accordingly.
Once you claimed the depreciation, when u sell the property, all the depreciation cost must be deducted from cost base, means u will have more capital gain than not claiming depreciation.
Hope this can give u an idea.
Thank you so much for the reply, I bought the unit from someone in 2007, the unit was built in 1978, I am not sure if the previous owner has depreciated the building or not…how do I find it out?

And also, as we lived in the unit for 3 years, if we sell it in the future, do we still need to pay CGT? I heard if you live in your investment a year before selling it, you do not have to pay CGT?

Thank you for your advice again
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