[咨询] 475/495 TR 生孩子

TR也有MEDICARE CARD.只要登记卡,都免费生孩子
另外,如果你的医保卡过期,给TR打电话说要生孩子,需要卡,他们会给你信,拿这信去MEDCARE 延期卡,应该能再给一年。足够生孩子了。


参与人数 1威望 +2 金币 +200 贡献 +2 收起 理由
Wayney + 2 + 200 + 2 奖励


小城摄影 发表于 2011-6-14 13:29
TR也有MEDICARE CARD.只要登记卡,都免费生孩子
生了以后就申请奶粉金。等拿了PR,政府把每月的孩子钱都补 ...

有MEDICARE CARD?TR有吗?为什么我没拿到过呀?怎么申请的?
小城摄影 发表于 2011-6-14 13:29
TR也有MEDICARE CARD.只要登记卡,都免费生孩子
生了以后就申请奶粉金。等拿了PR,政府把每月的孩子钱都补 ...

有MEDICARE CARD? TR有吗?怎么拿到的?请指教!
- subclass 475 visaholders from the UK are eligible for Medicare under the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) between the UK and Australia

- this (in essence) allows for the reimbursement under Medicare of treatment that is "medically necessary" (including attendance at doctors and medicines)

- 475 visaholders can obtain a Medicare card; this is a slightly different colour to the standard Medicare card, and will have the word "Reciprocal" on it

- there is no entitlement to exemption from paying the Medicare Levy on Australian assessable income due to an ability to access Medicare

- it is recommended that private health care is obtained to supplement Medicare

- there is less of a choice of private health care providers for those accessing Medicare under the RHCA: interested persons should feel able to send me a PM or an email so I can provide further details

- once the application for permanent residency has been lodged individuals can obtain full Medicare cover: you do not have to await permanent residency visa grant before accessing full Medicare

Best regards.

以上是有关475medicare 的内容。
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