环球汇兑招聘Gold Coast门店Teller若干名

环球汇兑公司(Global Trade Holding Pty Ltd)是澳大利亚一家以外汇兑换和国际汇款为主营业务的金融服务公司。2014年创建于澳大利亚悉尼,凭借"灵活换兑,放心所选"的企业形象在澳大利亚享有广泛的客户群和良好的声誉。为您提供放心,快速,优质,到位的专业金融汇兑服务。我们致力于研发先进的实时管理交易平台并积极推出的电脑交易系统将为您提供安全,快捷,便利,优质的服务。环球汇兑在澳洲市场稳健经营,总部位于悉尼CBD商业街,目前在澳洲各大城市均设有分店。
目前由于公司业务拓展, 现在招聘Gold Coast门店Teller若干名。
To be considered for this role ideally you will have:

1. College degree or above
2. Relevant experience preferred in cash handling
3. Good communications skills and ability to understand customer requirements
4. Good systems thinking skills and problem solving skills
5. Good interpersonal and team orientation skills
6. Proficient in PC applications and English
7. Good team player
8.Australian Permanent Resident or Citizen

If you believe you have the skill set and experience to undertake this role, please forward your resume and covering letter to [email protected]

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