祝贺Tara获得Graduate Accountant的职位

1.    刚毕业不久参加白金会计培训
2.    完成白金会计一级助理会计培训后,获得工作
白金总结:对于毕业生来说,如果暂时找不到任何工作机会,不妨考虑申请GraduateAccountant. 同时不要放弃任何实习机会,因为任何实习机会都会让你提高工作技巧的同时,更能让你增加信心。
Please join us incongratulating Tara in landing a Graduate Accountant position in top 10global accounting network.  
Tara graduated from MurdochUniversity a few months ago and was planning to move to *****, NSW. As thereare only a few accounting companies in that area, she was worried if she couldeven find an accounting job after moving there. That’s why Tara decided to joinour training and internship program in July 2015. With only the skills obtained from our trainingprogram and the experience from the internship at Platinum Accounting, she isproud to share her success in securing a position in this top 10 globalaccounting network.
We have been helping manystudents and migrants with overseas experience to secure their first accountingjob in Australia, some of them even suffered a long period of waiting andstruggle. Time is too precious to waste! If you would like to shorten the timeto get your next accounting job, please contact us as soon as possible for afree consultation to see how we can help you to kick start your career.
Platinum ProfessionalTraining, a fast and simple way to your career success!
From: Tara **** [mailto:t********@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, 8 November 2015 5:58 PM
To: Teresa Nguyen
Subject: Graduate Accountant Position
Hi Teresa,
Iwas just writing to say thank you for all your help throughout my Internship 1over the last few months. I graduated from Murdoch at the beginning of thisyear, and wanted to gain some practical hands on work experience as I wasmoving to a rural area at the beginning of 2016. I had only applied for onegraduate position after updating my resume with Teresa, and within 15 minutesof sending the email they replied asking to confirm an interview with me. I wasnervous at the beginning because the phone call was with three Managers. But Imade sure that I prepared a range of likely questions which helped mealot!!
Iprepared questions such as:
·        Why do I want towork at the firm?
·        What are myweaknesses? (This gets asked a lot. So if you are prepared for the question,you won’t be put on the spot so much)
·        Tell me aboutyourself
·        My career plan inthe next 5 years
·        Why I want to be anaccountant
·        How I have shownteamwork / leadership in both my working and personal life
Iwas on the phone to them for over 40 minutes, and all of the questions werepersonal / behavioural questions. I had written a few personal things aboutmyself on my cover letter to make myself stand out, which they asked a lot ofquestions about. They focussed more on personal questions and wanted to knowwho I really was as a person.
Twoweeks later I received a phone call saying that I had progressed to the nextstage of the interviewing process, which was a video conference at their officein the city - to their Albury office. This time it was with a Principal and theHR Manager. They asked a lot of similar questions to the first interviewbecause it was a different panel of interviewers. This time they also asked mea lot about my internship at Platinum. They also asked me what I would expectto be paid, and I had no idea what to say! I told them I would be happy withwhatever they are offering, just because its so hard to secure your firstaccounting position out of uni. Overall, the interview went really well.
Thenext day I received a phone call from the HR Manager and they offered me aGraduate Accounting Position in Business Advisory, starting February 2016. Theyhad just called both of my references and were very impressed. I just wanted tosay a huge thank you again to Teresa for all the support she has provided meover the past few months and for giving me such a great reference. I am soexcited to begin the new chapter in my life, and start my CA in 12months!
Ifyou have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us!
Platinum Professional Training Team

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