雅思听力机经预测2:Day 2 每日一篇跟Dan学习

Version 10128 Section 4 未来机场Monologue about the future of airports        31-33) multiple choices
        31. recently,a fast growth of construction of new airports
        C. deserves close attention
        32. one noticeable fact is that construction of new airports is
        B more important than other buildings (more significant)
        33. What are the airport, cities and town in common
        A respond to change
        34-38 Matching scenarios the most difficult part of this text
        34. there are more expensive flights because the fuel shortage
        35. there are emerging new airports (more ports in developing countries as well more flights, convenient)
        36.  there are also new transports pattern appeared
        37.  in Western countries, people's interest in flying is declining
        38  air-lines can not hold business because the maintenance cost is too high
        39-40) completion
        The disadvantages of air travel
        39  if the environmental problems continue, air port must be imposed on the “green tax
        40. flight will close down if a trip does not get an insurance
        Deserve 值得  相关词汇 同义词worth,长相相似 reserve/reservation 预订 preserve 保留
        Respond 回应 相关词汇 名词response  形容词responsible负责任的 responsibility责任
        Fuel 燃料    相关词汇 gas/petrol 汽油 coal煤炭,firewood 柴火 fuel economy 油耗
        Airport 机场  相关词汇 security check 安检 passport护照 luggage/baggage行李 shuttle bus 机场大巴 boarding gate 登机口 departure /arrival 出发到达        Transport 交通 相关词汇 transit 中转 public/private 公共/私人方式 cab/taxi出租车        Decline 下降  相关词汇 同义词drop  reduce decrease 反义词 increase soar rise        Maintenance 维修 相关词汇maintain保持 repair fix 维修 mechanic 机械师 mechanical 机械的 mechanism 机制        Green tax  环保费 相关词汇 environment 环境 emission 排放 exhausted/tail gas 尾气        Insurance 保险   相关词汇insure 投保 ensure 确保 safety insurance 人身险         property insurance 财产险        卷面词汇
        Noticeable 值得注意的 相关词汇 remarkable 谐音词 noticeboard 公告栏
        Emerge 浮现         相关词汇 appear occur 出现 emergency 紧急
        Pattern 模式         相关词汇 长相相似partner 伙伴
        Interest 兴趣/利息    相关词汇 interest rate 利率 exchange rate 汇率
        Impose 征税/强加    相关词汇pose 摆造型 propose/proposal 提议 dispose/disposal 处理
        Flight 飞行         相关词汇 flight number 航班 flight attendant 空乘
雅思听力机经预测2:Day 2 每日一篇跟Dan学习,西安新航道 http://xa.xhd.cn
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