
第七章:挑战高级写作技巧5 h# j6 y8 I# r/ @9 B/ j
考官范文精彩句子集锦. W+ Z1 x, t. D
There are, however, some disadvantages. (剑9,p163)3 r; n. w% [4 v. N  R: Y; Q
However,there may be better ways of tackling this problem. (剑9,p167)2 }" Y5 }- g% J1 ?1 z) Z  I$ i( ?! K: w
However,the reverse is also true. (剑9,p173)
——刘洪波老师一句话点评:考官也用这种所谓的“套句模板”,但短,言简意赅。5 `# Q; C8 E& |7 s: C
# O9 D# L2 w) Q+ a
Peopleshould be encouraged not only to be more physically active but also to adopt a healthier lifestyle in general. (剑9,p167)
——刘洪波老师一句话点评:not only…but also…后语法成分对等。- k1 S+ \6 U; ^! Z
What’sthe happiest time in people’s lives: youth or old age; school, career or retirement? (剑9,p173); w* N- x- f. l
Those who believe teenagers are the happiest people cite their lack of responsibilities as a significant factor.  (剑9,p173)
Educating children to understand the need to obey rules and respect others always begins in the home and is widely thought to be the responsibility of parents. (剑8,p163)
——刘洪波老师一句话点评:并列结构和并列句让句子变长。# R2 L& m; {" q" Y/ I9 g7 m0 r& y
Persuading manufacturers and travelers to adopt this new technology(指代上句中electric cars) would be a more effective strategy for improving air quality, especially in cities. (剑8,p167)- o6 N* @4 a5 Y/ f5 z4 A
——刘洪波老师一句话点评:Doing sth.(方法) would be a more effective strategy/method" @, y1 s: Y# v7 m/ `8 D. Z- P
for doing sth.(目的)
Some educationalists think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in
single-sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions% s, {* ^& ~% ]9 ~
and encourages pupils to concentrate on their studies. (剑8,p173)' k+ d+ b* V0 O5 ^, @: k
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