
首先让我汗一下3月6号的IBT考试, 作文太偏了,还玛雅,不知道能拿几分,不过当时我举例的时候把《2012》插进去了,不知道有没有一样的同学
题外话:上次写的【丰田门】被很多朋友夸了,说我思路新颖,其实这个方法不是我原创的,是我看了一个叫 托福巫师 的博客推荐的,对我启发很大,就按他讲的方法写了一篇出来,大家也可以去看一下,很棒的讲解。http://blog.sina.com.cn/toeflwizard

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Serious movies are better than entertaining movies.




Having live in this world of modernization and standardization, most of us will find our lives normal and uneventful. To help us avoid facing the everyday routine , the movies give us the great oppourtunies to have a virtual adventure. Some people like the comedies which can sugarcoat the harsh facts for us, and some others rather prefer those serious movies which can prompt us to reflect on life. For example,Kathryn Bigelow's new Oscar-winning movie Hurt Locker, realistically depicted the battle image in Iraq War and the issues raised by the intense international confilcts. By this serious theme and its thought-provoking editing, the Hurt Locker has beat the phenomenal Avatar and become the biggest winner in the Oscar Academy Award this year.The reviewers said, after finished the movie Hurt Locker , you can enjoy a fantasitc journey to both Iraq and humanity!In a sense, serious films afford us very healthy exercise of the mind and thus consitute a form of entertainment in their own right.

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