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- Fruitgrove 火車站( 走路八分)
- 150 公車站( 走路五分)
- Warrigal Square shopping centre ( 走路15 分)
- 個人單人房( 不是用隔板違建! !). 單人床加內建衣櫥和書桌椅. 床單棉被等都有包, 但是當然你可以自己帶.
- 浴室只與另外一名男生房客共用, 請保持清潔.
- 網路(TPG ADSL2+ 無限上網), 水電都包括在房租內.
- 要看是哪種, 本房有一隻可愛家貓, 偶爾會出去院子閒逛. 若有小型或中型狗, 可以... 試看看她們可否相處
這是一間地點很好在Runcorn 的磚房. 整間房子只有三個人( 加你的話) 還有一隻貓住. 房子本身是屬於open plan, 有著一個小吧台( 偶爾小酌一番無不可~!) 還有一個大後院, 所以偶爾也可來個BBQ!
目前的房客為一電腦工程師( 在下敝人我) 和從台灣打工度假的男生. 我們都是和善, 幽默, 好相處, 尊重他人( 會把公用地方保持乾淨) 的人. 如果你也是一樣! 那絕對歡迎你的加入!!!
Email: [email protected]
- 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom
- Only intend to have 3 - 4 tenants. Currently have 2.
- 8min walk (550m) to Fruitgrove Train Station
- 5min walk (350m) to Bus stop on Warrigal Rd (150, and some express in the morning).
- 15min walk to Warrigal Square Shopping Centre.
- Furnished Single Room with built-in wardrobe, desk, bed and mattresses etc. provided. (You may also bring your own of course.)
- Share bathroom only with another male tenant.
- Internet (TPG ADSL2+ unlimited), Electricity and Water are all inclusive in the rent.
- Outdoor small to medium size dog might be okay. There's a resident cat in the house... so it we'll have to keep them closely monitored to see how they get along.
This is a conveniently located brick house in Runcorn with friendly residents and a cute family cat! The house's layout is essentially open plan with a mini-bar area. There's also a large backyard if you like a bit of a BBQ from time to time.
Your current house mates are an IT professional (yours truly) and a backpacker from Taiwan. We're both kind and considerate people (we keep shared area clean and tidy! but not at the OCD level) and love to be in the company of similar. If you're also a kind, considerate and easy going person! then this house is for you!
Email: [email protected]