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标题: Essay写作中的Introduction怎么解决? [打印本页]

作者: meeloun教育    时间: 2020-5-26 18:07
标题: Essay写作中的Introduction怎么解决?
  俗话说,万事开头难,对于essay写作来说也是如此。Essay写作的第一部分,就是Introduction,大家称之为导言或者序言。对于留学新生来说,完全没有接触过Essay,基本上很难写好Essay Introduction,今天就跟大家讲解一下。
  一、什么是Essay Introduction?
  The introduction to an essay,which is sometimes referred to as a prolegomenon,tells a reader the objective and purpose of the work.It acts as a blueprint of sorts for the essay as a whole;illustrating the central case behind your writing and the line of reasoning that you will follow throughout.
  The Essay Introduction should begin with a general overview of the subject,followed by a precise statement that explains your ultimate intent and how it will be built upon in the body.A good Essay Introduction will have a short and concise thesis statement,offer the goal of the paper and engage the reader so that he will want to continue to read the rest of the essay.
  而且,Essay Introduction需包括以下三个部分:Background to study、Rationale for study、Outline of dissertation.
  即研究主题的背景,研究推理(也就是上文中的the line of reasoning),以及Essay的架构。
  由上图可知,Essay introduction结构是一个“筛子型”。由宽泛的研究主题的背景/讨论语境开始,到具体的研究问题,接着陈述Essay的观点,以及研究方法,最后是对研究主题的展望和介绍Essay写作结构。
  总体来说,Essay introduction是一个由概括到具体的行文过程,其中提出问题,表明观点,介绍框架等部分,都是要以简练精准的文字来写成的。
  the relevant background and context for your dissertation topic
  might entail concise overview academic context,real world context,key theories and definitions.
  2.Research problem/questions;
  -the specific problem arising from that context
  -Includes an explanation why it is important to solve or answer it
  3.Thesis statement/argument
  -your solution/answer to the problem/question
  -this might be an overall argument or a hypothesis
  4.Research approach
  the paradigm,theoretical/conceptual or empirical framework you will use to get find a solution/answer
  -the main points discussed in the order they will be represented in
  -Giving the reader a road map for the dissertation
  以上就是关于Essay Introduction的写作讲解,现在大家知道Essay Introduction该写些什么了吧,希望大家都能写好Essay,拿到高分。

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