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标题: 机器工叉车工 [打印本页]

作者: YiZhen    时间: 2022-8-30 10:41
标题: 机器工叉车工
公司简介Lavida Pharmaceuticals a full suite of manufacturing solutions for therapeutic and non-therapeutic products: Our mission is to exceed customer expectations and act with integrity, excellence, responsibility with regards to everything that we do.


1. 机器工:7:30AM-4PM, $28/小时起,试用期满全职full time享有年假病假公共假;

2. 叉车工:6:00AM-2:30PM, $32/小时起,Casual

要求:已疫苗证明+自驾车通勤+无不良记录(驾照 & police check)。有药厂工作经验优先。

公司官网https://www.la-vida.com.au/ 请有兴趣在康健制药行业寻找长期稳定工作且满足上述条件者,将个人联系方式及简历发送到 [email protected] 仅约见合适人员,谢谢。

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