
受perfectday6 MM的启发,想把常用的的英文网络和短信中的简写/缩写总结一下,以便大家以后使用:
2nite = tonight
AKA = also known as
ASAP = as soon as possible
B4 = before
BRB = be right back
CYA = see ya
Dunno = don’t know
EZ = easy
FWIW = for what it’s worth
FYA = for your action
FYI = for your information
GGN = gotta go now
GTG = got to go (gotta go)
IDK = I don’t know
L8R = later
LM(F)AO = laugh my (fat) ass off
LOL = laugh out loud
NBD = no big deal
OIC = oh, I see
OMG = oh my god
OOXX = hugs and kisses
ROFL = rolling on floor laughing
TTYL = talk to you later
TY= thank you

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