
到公证处做出生、未婚、无罪等公证时,公证处给了一封介绍信,上面列有所有要办公证的类型,让我去档案所在地填写相关信息并盖章,同时还给了一张单独的表格,说办理无罪公证的时候也可以由派出所填写并盖章。因为档案所在地在介绍信上证明了我从未受过刑事处罚,当时为了避免麻烦,所以就直接用这张介绍信办好了公证。但是后来仔细查看K1 instruction上,关于警方证明是如下描述的。如果需要派出盖章,需要7个工作日才能拿到,然后还要等待公证的时间,这样时间可能就来不及了。有没有哪位朋友知道我这样的公证是否也可行?谢谢~~~
Persons should apply for a certificate of no criminal record at the local Public Security Bureau (PSB) (or through certain types of employers such as state owned enterprises), then make application to the notary office for a certificate based on the PSB document.
Applicant: XX XX, male, born on XX-XX-***X, ID Card No.: ************
Notarial Content: No Record of Committing Offenses
This is to certify that XX XX has no record of committing offenses against the criminal law up to XX-XX-***X durning his residence in the People
s Republic of China.
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