Olympic Dam全职工作(7w5起,普通labour经验即可申请,工程师/会计工作已更新)

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本帖最后由 natalie2010 于 2011-6-24 17:14 编辑

I am not sure if you have worked in Olympic Dam. Olympic Dam is in Doxby Downs, South Australia. It is a regional area but does not belong to anyone besides the government. However, you are right. BHP has got the contract there and yes they do have the power to decide what to happen or not to happen there.

Don't often see Chinese people working in Roxby Downs. Perhaps some Chinese chefs, other than that, you will find many Phillopinoes there. They are not residents here. They are here only for work.

Besides applying jobs at BHP, strong men and women who wish to work in the mines, perhaps you could try different drilling companies. For example, Major Drilling, BoartLongyear etc.
回复 jasonadelaide 的帖子

By the way, don't forget Mt Isa in Queensland. They offer ready good pay up there. For a driller, you get at least $130K a year.
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楼上的说得没错 但是没有考虑过来这个论坛的人的技术能力是否能够申请你认为好的工作。 大部分人连general labour都不一定申请的上,driller就只能算浮云了,呵呵
回复 jasonadelaide 的帖子

Of course, to start with, everyone applies for the position of Assistant Driller, which maybe called labouring during probation. Most people work as Assistant Drillers for about one or two years then become a driller but some may get promoted within six months.

Depending on the company or the contractors, the pay of an Assistant Driller is generally between 70K and 80K, from $250 a day plus bouns.
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顶楼上的  也希望有更多的人能够发布自己知道的工作消息 方便大家
回复 jasonadelaide 的帖子

刚从阿大的civil engineering 毕业 想去dam工作 怎么去申请呢? 因为没有经验是不是不能直接申请engineer的职位,需要从labour做起? 谢谢   自信英语不差,但不知道对讲机里英语的口味重到什么程度 -。-
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回复 qpale9872 的帖子

我这里做Engineering中介的一般是Workpac 和Monadelphous 两家 你可以去他们的分部去申请
对讲机里的英文口味重 主要因为对方和自己工作环境噪音+乡下的口音+专业的词汇。你试试在food court给TPG打个电话,把手机声音调很小,然后打开扬声器,就能大概领会到一点点意思了。
本帖最后由 natalie2010 于 2011-6-27 16:12 编辑

回复 qpale9872 的帖子

我还是打英文吧。I think most people in Olympic Dam don't have any uni degrees. Of course the experienced engineers do. If you have a degree, apply for jobs in the mining industry but in the mines.

I have heard that BHP don't offer new graduates very good pay. Perhaps, you could try other companies in Melbourne besides BHP.
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