
回复 19# bbuy

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“人或一辈子短短几十年,如过眼云烟转瞬即逝”楼上这句说的对 金刚般若波罗密
回复  bbuy

    我看您是党员吧,有点不同的声音就要压制?您太习惯中国思维,但是您也太看扁自己的国 ...
kanai 发表于 2010-4-20 23:53

Im not a Communist, and im not look down upon my own country. I just remind myself that we still have a long way to go, especially now, a very special time, most of people are over self-satisfied.

First of all,  make it clear that we just good at manufacture, do you even know how many Decoder in the MP3s or the SOCs in the LCDs are designed domestic?  I dont know the lasted data, but at 2006 when i graduate, there is only one company called "JULI" who design their own MP3 decoder.  

Even today, some company declare that they have some sorts of own intellectual property, do you know how they developed it?  Most of them are designed in a way called reverse design method, that means to open the package of other people's chip and take the photo of their layout by microscope and try to figure out how it works and design it again.

As you can see, there are so many our own brand of Video adaptor sold in the market, how many would have a GPU other than ATI or Nvidia ?

Even India....the last country i would like to mention( trust me), is advanced than us in the field of not only IT but also EEE.   So stop judging it by your standard. Too self-content will make our progress slow down.

Ok let's talk about australia now,   
1.AU has only 20million population, even smaller than shanghai, which means it has limited resources.
2.AU has technology sharing  with both EU and USA to some extent, there is no need to put in huge human resources in those unnecessary field.
3.AU put their  limited human resources in some specific field such as RF, medical electronics, next generation High frequency device.  AU is way too advance in these field, and these is called high tech.
您是澳洲人,澳洲太先进,你没有很长的路要走了,您可以了!所以请别用我们这个词,我们是东亚人种,仍然需 ...
kanai 发表于 2010-4-21 10:12

    Proud doest help at all, im glad that people like you are just minority. I didnt expect everyone would have the sense of crisis.
    So, please be a street man and keep on enjoying the feeling of being a citizen of a developed china.
     Just leave the task of how to develop china to us, and dont disturb us anymore
don't worry.每个新移民都是像这样过来的.good luck.
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