房屋求租9月中下旬 近city,或交通方便

My room is located on 107 grote street just behind the china town. It is fully funitured, sharing apartment with 2 Asian girls and 1 Asian boy, most of them are studying in university.

My room has own bathroom with sharing television, microwave, washing machine, drying machine and kitchen etc. It is very clean and tidy, especially the toilet plus convenience location which is only $150 per week for single including water bill.

If anyone is interested for lease, my room is available now. If you want to contact me, please call my mobile 0431808908. My name is called Fun, female, can speek Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

***I am welcome for inspection***

>>>Please contact me as soon as possible!!

Don't miss out!!!!!

    How is about in Paradise near O'Bhan? Room rate is[quote][/quote] $90 per week, share bills around $20. If you are interested, call Kate on 0418 828 032.
我有一间房16平方,在南区,离city5公里,近邻shopping centre and train,bus,适合阿大,uniSA, flinders的学生。如有兴趣,可打电话给我 0423767192. Thanks!
房子在Main North Rd 沿线,交通超级方便,每小时 6到10班车以上, 基本不用看车表,离city 7公里。公交20分钟内到city. 开车10到15分钟。房屋到车站也就30秒步行。但又不在大路边上,所以也不吵。新装修,全家具。非常适合学生。
感兴趣的话,可以跟我联系  QQ 11809493,   email. [email protected]   Ph: 0431 349 569
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HOUSE的单人间,房子在Magill road 上。 走路到汽车站<1分钟,10分钟到阿德莱德大学,6分钟到南澳大学Magill Campus。房间内有单人床,衣柜,桌子及椅子。大家共用洗衣机,微波炉,冰箱。提供厨房用品,用完要刷干净。室内中央空调,冬夏都用。厕所与浴室分开,互不影响。有电话网络,无线网络每月100G (peak hours 50, off-peak hours 50)。现住三阿大学生(2博1本)。对室友的要求:男女不限,干净不抽烟,接受轮流值日。房租每周75,SHARE BILL,四周押金。 最早9月26日入住。QQ: 50368928
My room is located on 107 grote street just behind the china town. It is fully funitured, sharing apartment with 2 Asian girls and 1 Asian boy, most of them are studying in university.

My room has own bathroom with sharing television, microwave, washing machine, drying machine and kitchen etc. It is very clean and tidy, especially the toilet plus convenience location which is only $150 per week for single including water bill.

If anyone is interested for lease, my room is available now. If you want to contact me, please call my mobile 0431808908. My name is called Fun, female, can speek Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

***I am welcome for inspection***

>>>Please contact me as soon as possible!!

Don't miss out!!!!!
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