地铁上的丑行见过了 猜猜这次是哪里?

流水无情 在论坛发帖时没有注意,被小偷偷去了 28 金钱
流水无情在rundle mall上表演了一段激情四射的猴子舞,不但没赚钱,还被围观群众顺走了5 金钱
北极熊太可怜了T_T,流水无情被宣传者声泪俱下的哭诉感动,当场掏出17 金钱捐给南极环保事业!
北极熊太可怜了T_T,流水无情被宣传者声泪俱下的哭诉感动,当场掏出17 金钱捐给南极环保事业!
That is reasonable. In china, i even though could not find a baby room at international airport. So kids have to poo-poo on the floor in public. Mums have to breastfeed their babies and change the nappy in public. if you were a mum, you would understand what i said.
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