Chinatown Townhouse 单间好房出租

三层Townhouse 现往外出租一单人卧室,包家具,租金$145每周,不包bill只招长租至少到明年2月份,9.1日起拎包入住,6周bond。

townhouse 位于152 gray st 距离uniSA走路只要5mins,周围干净,整洁,安静,非常适合uniSA学生居住,到uniSA可以免费长做tram去哪里都行。

房子三层一楼车库已经装修改成卧室,所以没有车库; 二楼客厅,厨房,10月份会隔出来一单间,但绝对够用,不会耽误日常生活;三楼两个卧室,现在招租的就在三楼;整个房子两个卫生间,1个bathroom在三楼;


联系电话:0426154988 0403157075 电话 短信都可以

A single room in a 3 level-Townhouse in 152 gray st for lease now. $145 per week, share all bills, all furniture available. it closes to uniSA with only 5mins spent on the road and near to the free tram stop that is convenient for to go everywhere u want.

Contact Number: 0426154988  0403157075
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