长期高价收购QANTAS里程 $90/10000里程 您过去一年内做过QANTAS回国吗?来领取福利吧


QANTAS里程5000分起购,每万分90刀,并且如果您数量较多我会酌情提高价格。如果您没有里程,但是过去一年之内乘坐过qantas航班回国 我可以指导您怎样追回您的里程并转让给我。


电话 0403650706

Do you have any spareairline frequent flyer points/miles? If you do have please contact with me andI would like to buy from you.

For QANTAS points, Iwill buy:

Minimum 5000 pointsand the price is $90/10,000points.

For other airlinemiles/points, please text how many points/miles you have to my mobile phone andI will reply to you whether I will buy and the price.


Mobile phonenumber:0403650706

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