
1. to raise = to bring up 养育,抚养
to care for children until they grow up
I was raised in a small town. I wasn't raised in the jungle.
Raising children is a huge responsibility.
2. childhood 童年
the period of life when you are a child
My childhood was happy and carefree. I used to chase butterflies all day.
I'm quite sure Charles Manson didn't have a happy childhood. (he was a serial killer)
3. adolescence = teenage years 青春期
the period of life between childhood and adulthood
A large part of my adolescence was spent with partying and avoiding responsibilities.
My grandmother guided me through the turbulent waters of adolescence.
4. to play truant = to skive off 逃学,旷课
to be absent from school without permission
I used to play truant and spend the whole time with my friends in the arcades.
I would give a prison sentence to parents who let their children play truant.
5. juvenile delinquency 少年违法犯罪
antisocial behaviour demonstrated by adolescents, usually involving breaking the law.
Juvenile delinquency was thriving in the area. The parents couldn't do anything to stop their children.
Juvenile delinquency rates are usually higher in urban areas.
6. neglected (adj.) 忽略,忽视,轻视
not looked after, not getting any attention
Neglected teenagers seek attention and will do anything to get it.
My wife feels neglected, so I've taken her out to a fast food restaurant.
7. nuclear family 核心家庭
the smallest family unit: mother, father and children
(opposite: extended family)
Nowadays most people live in nuclear families.
Living in nuclear families means we don't get to listen to our grandparents' stories.
8. to get on well with somebody 与某人相处得好
to have a good relationship with somebody
When we were children, my sister and I didn't get on very well. We used to pull each other's pony-tails.
I wish I could get on well with my mother-in-law, but she's a real witch.
9. relative 亲戚,亲人
a person who is related to you by blood or marriage
I think my relatives hate me. I never get any Christmas presents.
You can choose your friends, but can't choose your relatives.
10. in-laws 妻子或丈夫的家人(法律意义上的亲属)
members of your wife's or husband's family
I hate the idea of spending the holidays with my in-laws.
I never know what to buy for my in-laws for Christmas.
11. red-letter day 节日,纪念日
any day that's significant and memorable to you for a reason
It was a red-letter day when my son finally learnt how to tie his shoelaces.
If I pass my exam, that'll be a red-letter day.
12. stepparent, stepmother, stepfather 继父母
new wives or husbands of your biological parents
First, I hated the idea of moving in with my stepfather, but then it wasn't so bad.
Cinderella used to live with a wicked stepmother and two stepsisters.
13. stepfamily = blended family 重组家庭
a family where either one or both parents have children from previous relationships
Living in a stepfamily never really bothered me. I could visit my father as often as I wanted.
Blending families to create stepfamilies is a difficult process.
14. siblings = brothers or sisters 手足,兄弟姐妹
individuals sharing the same father or mother
As an only-child, I've always wanted to have siblings.
Children growing up with no siblings are often spoilt.
15. to allow = permit = let 允许
to give your permission to someone to do something
My biological father always allowed me to eat ice-cream before dinner.
Minors shouldn't be allowed to buy alcohol.
16. quality time 黄金时光,品质时间
time when you dedicate yourself to only one person or activity
My mother and I didn't spend enough quality time together. She always had to work.
Spending quality time with your children is more important than making a lot of money.
17. to take after somebody 照料某人
to be/resemble someone in appearance or character
I take after my mother. I have the same green eyes.
Children often take after one of their grandparents.
18. overprotective (adj.) 过分保护的
wanting to protect someone too much
My mum used to be overprotective when I was a child. She never let me go to the playground on my own (alone)。
Overprotective parents should seek professional help to help them relax a little.
19. strict (adj.) 严格的,绝对的
wanting order and discipline all the time, opposite = lenient, forgiving
My mother was very strict. If I was just ten minutes late, she grounded me for a week.
grounded = not allowed to leave the house
Strict teachers are often more popular than lenient ones, because they don't let misbehaved children interfere with their teaching.
20. foster family 寄养家庭
children living with guardians who are neither their natural nor their adoptive parents
My friend, Jack, lived with at least five different foster families as a child. He was quite troublesome.
Foster families can change a child's life for the better.
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