
to give something a boost 加强
to increase or raise something, to make something bigger and better
It takes more than an apple a day to boost your immune system.
You can boost your vitamin C intake by drinking some freshly squeezed orange juice every morning.
vulnerable 脆弱的
easily hurt physically or emotionally
The elderly are particularly vulnerable in winter to the effects of cold, wet weather.
Adolescents are a typically vulnerable group when it comes to drug abuse.
to be prone to 倾向于,更易于,有…倾向
to have a tendency/ when you're prone to something, the chances are high that it will happen to you
Overweight people are more prone to diabetes than thin ones.
Since I started my new job, I'm prone to panic. I don't know what I should do to de-stress.
sedentary lifestyle 静态生活方式(不运动的生活方式)
lifestyle with no physical activity
People who live a sedentary lifestyle are called couch potatoes.
Sedentary lifestyle may lead to depression and a weakened immune system.
cut down on 减少
to reduce the amount of intake
If you want to lose weight, you'll have to cut down on fatty food.
I think we need to cut down on Facebook time and meet our friends in person.
nervous breakdown 精神崩溃
a serious mental illness stopping people from living normally, often in the form of depression, insomnia and anxiety
If you don't find a way to de-stress, you'll end up having a nervous breakdown.
I had a near nervous breakdown when I found out that my husband was cheating on me with my best friend.
alternative medicine 非传统医学
healthcare practice that doesn't use traditional drugs and treatments
I don't believe in alternative medicine. I once went to a chiropractor and he nearly broke my neck.
Acupuncture is one of the most popular types of alternative medicine nowadays. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't like to have needles stuck on my face.
plastic surgery 整容手术
operation to reshape, remodel or resize body parts
Britney Spears must have had a couple of plastic surgeries. She looks younger now than ten years ago.
I'm against plastic surgery. I think we are beautiful the way we were born.
sick leave
paid absence from work
My bosses weren't very happy when I had to go on sick leave.
My colleague's been on sick leave for weeks now. I don't think I can do everything by myself any longer.
common cold 感冒
a mild infection with symptoms like sneezing, coughing, runny nose and temperature
Adults have the common cold two or three times a year on average.
You should drink plenty of liquids and stay in bed for a few days to get over the common cold fast.
flu = influenza 流感
viral infection with severe symptoms like high temperature, muscle pain and fatigue
You shouldn't go to work if you have the flu. It's contagious and others will catch it too.
I didn't mind having a flu as a child; everyone was really nice to me and kept giving me presents to cheer me up.
pneumonia 肺炎
severe inflammation of the lungs resulting in the air sacks being filled with liquid
I spent two weeks in hospital when I had pneumonia. My back hurt so much, I will never forget those two weeks.
I don't know if you can catch pneumonia from another person. Ask your doctor.
cancer 癌症
an extremely serious disease typically with tumors in different parts of the body
Smoking might cause lung cancer.
Chemotherapy is one of the most common ways to treat cancer patients.
childhood diseases 儿童期疾病
illnesses typically caught in childhood, e.g. Mumps, Chicken pox, Measles
Every child should be vaccinated against childhood diseases.
I can't visit your daughter in hospital, I'm afraid. I didn't have any of the childhood diseases, and you know they're really dangerous when caught in adulthood.
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