
最近的雅思口语考试内容,都还在咱们的题库中,之前认真准备的同学有福了。14号和15号,在杭州的浙江考试院,总共蹲点话题39个。需要查看有关小问题以及范文的,可以上网站查看:浙江教考中心雅思口语考试蹲点和回忆大全:t.cn/8kSwnSY, 有在12月14号和15号在杭州考试的同学们,也希望你们可以来我们的网站,详细发布你的回忆。只要你们来发回忆的,我们都可以给你提供下次你再考时的预测和免费范文(我也期望你能过,但是万一呢,也好有个准备,不是么?)
Part 2
A famous person who is important to your country  (Room 212 ) A stranger who helped you   (Room370)An interesting person you met recentlyA person you like spending time with
描 述 一 个 地点
A seaside place you like to visit    (Room 208, 315)An interesting country (not your own)  (Room 309)A place near water (Room 216)A shopping street  (Room 309)
描 述 一 件 事
A special meal you’d like to have  (Room 216, 218)An occasion when you were helped   (Room 201)An interesting talk with a stranger   An occasion when you moved to a new house or school  Sth. you did to help learn a foreign language   A recent event that made you feel happy (Room 311)A picnic or meal that you ate outdoors  Sports games you’ve watched or taken part in  An interesting even in history   A trip you took by public transport
描 述 一 个 实 物
Formal clothes or clothes you wear on special occasions A photograph that you like   (Room 201, 215)An electronic product you bought for your family    (Room217, 209)A book you like to read/a book someone recommended to you  (Room 219)A family business   (Room 303)A piece of art work (a piece of painting or a statue)  (Room 216, 308)An important letter   (Room 301, 306, 211,)A house or apartment you like(not your own)(Room212)
描 述 一 个 虚 物
A subject you dislike when you in high school     Your favourite season or time   (Room 301)A group you want to join  (Room 312)A useful website     (Room 301)A TV program you want to watch again  (Room 212)A plan for future (Room 306)A job you want to do in the future    (Room 309, 311)Sth. (a TV program or a film) that made you laugh a lot   (Room 207, 219)Something you do to keep healthy   (Room 201)A party you want to hold for your family or friends  (Room 305)A childhood story  Describe a rule in school (Room209)An outdoor activity you want to do for the first time  
除了杭州的,全国各个大大小小的考点的口语考试的回忆也都有哦,雅思口语各地考试回忆汇总: t.cn/8kSqh4G。
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