


    这个完全归功于高分120。 这本书我从图书馆借的,已经还了,所以具体它讲的什么我忘了,可是我却永远忘不了我体会出来的精髓!其实严格的说我就看了5页,用了1个小时,这5页是作者就一个TOPIC 用了十个不同的段落去写。(而我们却为了写一个而发愁)。看我以后,我仔细分析了一下,作者说的话都是当初在我脑子里有的话,只是我急于找一个PERFECT POINT 去展开,而把它们全部PASS 掉了,可是那个作者确确实实将我PASS掉的东西写出了10段不同而且又都很不错的SUPPORTING PARAGRAPH。(相信很多人有这种体会吧,脑子里有东西,却总是在犹豫自己到底要不要写?)


    用这个思想我来给大家一个EXAMPLE 吧:
TOPIC: Pets should be treated as family members
    我的立场: Yes, they should be treated as family memebers.
    很明显选择这个立场就是要选择PETS 对我们有利的地方,不然的话谁要它啊!于是不停的问自己,PETS 对我们有什么好处呢? 首先PETS 都有什么样的呢? 第一个出现在我脑子里的是狗。那么狗对我们有什么好处呢? 人类最忠实的朋友。但是怎么继续呢?养过狗的人体会深刻,可以把自己和狗的相处讲出来,没养过的难道就不能编一段自己与狗相处的日子吗? 于是我编了一段:小的时候家里养的狗是我的唯一玩伴,给我带来了快乐。狗还有什么好处呢?大家还在什么情况下听过狗呢? 导盲犬听过吧,它们具体工作是什么呢? 这下你有得写了吧,这个可以写上几大段都不重复,导盲犬帮助盲人领路,于是盲人可以自己出巡不用请个小保姆照顾,它们知道车来了要停,走盲道,甚至有的狗可以帮人开门! 不管它们能否做这些事,写上去再说(当然不要太离谱,它们可不会飞)。再想想平时什么地方狗多呢? 公园里啊! 老年人大清早出来散狗,晚上吃完饭还要散,说明什么呢? 说明他们在精神上对狗有依赖性啊,儿女外出打工,工作,一年难得回来几回,狗自然而然可以担当这个DUTY了,甚至还有些老人没有儿女,于是它们把自己的PETS 当成自己的儿女了。有些地方还有什么狗的各种各样的比赛,这些比赛得奖了是对家庭的一种荣誉,没得奖大家也在一起HAPPY 了一下啊......等等等等。大家要不停的问自己,出现了思想,不要觉得太肤浅而PASS掉,多联想一下,思路不是你一开始分析TOPIC 的时候就完成的,有的时候你在写的时候,思路会源源不断的涌出,这个时候说明你初得要领了。

Pets are universal all over the world. People in different countries have pets. I have been wondering why it is so common
for us to have pets? Well, they are apparently our friends. Sometimes they are great helpers. And to some people, they are
important family members.
Pets can be friends with which we can live and spend time. I used to have a pet dog when I was very young. It's the only
friend I have because Mom and Dad used to be too busy with their work to spend time with me. The only way that I could
have fun was to play with my pet. We used to race, swim, and even sleep together. It has a unique position in my childhood
memory, because it made my earlier years so much fun instead of being lonely and miserable.
Pets are not merely animals that serve the purpose of making fun for us as someone would think. Instead they have their
position in this society that is irreplaceable. They are important helpers to the disabled. For example, some dogs can lead the
way for the blind. They know which would be the safe path to go, and they know when to stop if a car passes by. They have
made the lives of the blind much easier because these people can go outside themselves. Besides leading the way, some pets can even open the door for people who could not stand up right to do it.
I can't imagine what their life would be without these aid pets.
Pets can also serve as a psychological comfort for the old. It's quite common to see
the old
walk their dogs in nearby
parks early in the morning and evening. These people need someone to be with all the time. But their children have their
own lives and it's not possible for them to be with their parents all the time. Therefore this duty is taken by these pets. Some
old people who don't have any children even treat these pets as their children.
Pets are different than other wild animals,. They play a more important role in our lives in some way. They make us happy
and help us. So if we decide to have a pet in our family, we should also be prepared to treat it as a family member in return
for the benefits it brings us.

  看吧,我用的句型语法都很简单,每个人都会,关键看看文章的思路和思想。 如文章有不妥之处,大家敬请指出,我们共同进步。
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