澳洲配偶(境内)移民签证-801/802 Partner visa

本帖最后由 他予我梦 于 2017/5/8 11:19 编辑
配偶(境内)移民签证分两阶段:802 temporary Partner visa、801 permanent Partner visa。申请人只能在澳洲境内申请,且申请分两个处理阶段,约间隔2年。The temporary Partner visa (subclass 820) is the first stage towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 801). You must be in Australia when you apply and also when this visa is decided. Your application is processed in two stages, about two years apart.

1. 针对人群(Who could get this visa)

2. 申请条件(Application Requirement)
申请人与下列人群有婚姻关系或同居关系:· 澳大利亚公民· 澳大利亚永久居民合法新西兰公民注意:根据澳大利亚法律,申请人与其配偶的婚姻关系必须为有效地,未成年、一夫多妻及同性婚姻在澳大利亚是不合法的。同性伴侣可以依据其同居关系申请签证。
Your marriage must be valid under Australian law. Underage, polygamous and same-sex marriages are not legal in Australia. The marriage could be valid under limited circumstances if one person is younger than 18 years of age. Same-sex couples can apply for this visa based on their de facto relationship.
3. 申请流程(Application Process)提交方式申请人可以在线创建ImmiAccount账户、以邮寄的方式或本人亲自提交申请:· Form 47SP· Form 40SP(担保人填写)递交相关材料的最佳地点为申请人居住地点附近的配偶签证处理中心:· 新南威尔士州-悉尼签证处理办公室· 维多利亚州-墨尔本办公室· 昆士兰州、澳大利亚首都领地、塔斯马尼亚州-布里斯班办公室· 西澳大利亚州、南澳大利亚州、北领地-珀斯办公室
随行亲属· 未独立子女可作为随行人员· 如果申请人持有303签证,其他亲属也可随行
You can include your dependent children in your visa application:You can include your other dependent relatives in your application only if you hold, or held, a Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300)http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/300-/Prospective-Marriage-visa-(subclass-300)-document-checklist3.
· 表格

Form 47SP Application for migration to Australia by a partner

Form 40SP Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to AustraliaForm 956Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance (使用代理)Form 956aAppointment or withdrawal of an authorised recipient(使用代理)Form 1023 Notification of incorrect answer(s)Form 929Change of address and/or passport detailsForm 1022Notification of changes in circumstancesForm 888Statutory declaration by a supporting witness in relation to a Partner or a Prospective Marriage visa applicant· 个人信息申请人及随行成员的护照首页申请人及随行成员护照尺寸的近期照片2张申请人出生公证申请人身份证申请人及随行成员更名公证· 关系材料申请人及随行成员结婚证申请人及随行成员的寡居、离婚或永久分居证明材料· 健康及无犯罪材料申请人及随行成员体检证明申请人及随行成员在澳洲的医疗保险证明:医疗保险提供者的签署信医保卡或医保收据医疗保险证明证明申请人持有爱尔兰共和国签证的材料· 将满16岁及以上申请人及随行成员申请澳大利亚无犯罪证明的材料· 16岁及以上申请人及随行成员近10年内的无犯罪证明原件· 担保人材料· 担保人为澳大利亚公民或永久居民或新西兰公民证明材料· 担保人不是澳大利亚公民,出示其长居澳大利亚的证明材料· 如果申请人及随行成员18岁以下人员,须出示担保人满16岁之后的澳大利亚无犯罪证明担保人满16岁之后居住时间超过12个月或近10年内所居住国家的无犯罪证明· 婚姻或同居关系的历史、财务、家庭性质、社会认可及彼此承诺等证明材料· 子女材料出生公证或户口本18岁及以家庭成员的经济依赖证明子女收养证明子女父母另一方不在随行人员之列,且申请人希望18岁以下子女随行,需出示材料证明申请人有权将其带到澳洲:§ 官方法律文件§ 给予申请人权利的法定声明§ Form 1229Consent form to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years
4. 费用(Cost)· 基本费用:
Base application charge($6865)+Addirtional applicant charge 18 and over($3435)+Addirtional applicant charge under 18($1720)· 其他费用:如体检费,材料公证费用等官方链接:http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/801-#40
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