
移民专家: Mr Alan Dino DuriYang & Duri 留学移民服务公司的创立者之一,Alan Duri先生毕业于麦考瑞大学并获得澳洲国立大学研究生学历。他有着非常丰富的行政法工作背景,在联邦各级仲裁法庭里从事法官的工作已有25年,包括移民复审终裁庭 (Migration Review Tribunal),现改名为行政上诉终裁庭移民与难民部等(Administrative Appeal Tribunal Migration Division and Refugee Division)。Duri先生在这些仲裁法庭的工作经验让他在移民法的理论和实践上都有着精深的学识。

澳洲总理4.18对457提出的改革硝烟还未散去,近日又推出对于申请公民资格的改革。一时间,华人社会掀起巨浪,一时间恐慌、惊愕、绝望各种情绪充斥在华人团体之间。Alan先生对此高度关注,也深刻了解到该新政可能影响到大量的学生、457签证持有者、以及打算通过雇主担保申请永居的人士。在看到众多媒体及移民中介机构近来的大幅报道,其中大部分仅是对移民局两个fact sheet进行片面的解读,而实际上Alan 先生建议在这整场硝烟大家最应该冷静、理性的从法律来解读该政策,来真正寻找对策。Alan先生在该文中引入了移民法依据来回击目前社会上的误传、与误解,同时也解答目前广大华人群体对新政所有的疑问。

全文如下You are no doubt aware of the proposed Government changes to 457 visas and citizenship rules. 毫无疑问大家已经都注意到澳洲政府打算对457签证及公民申请上进行变革。(所谓打算,及距离真正实施,及有可能的2018年3月通过的新法实施还有一定的时间,而且有可能该新法甚至无法通过两院。)
Much of the public comments have been based on Government press releases and in some instances the comments are speculative.大部分的公共评论都是基于对政府向媒体的公告,有些公共评论甚至带有投机误导影响。
It is important to keep in mind that a Government announcement is only an announcement.  Changing laws in Australia is a complicated process.  A law cannot change simply because a Prime Minister makes an announcement.  There are numerous examples where the Government has made an announcement to change a particular policy only to later modify or even reverse the policy in the face of public opinion or the inability to get the changes through parliament.  For example a previous Prime Minister John Howard made similar announcements as Malcolm Turnbull to change citizenship rules, only to have those changes greatly modified.  Politicians often make big announcements with small results. 大家一定要牢记,政府公告仅仅是公告。在澳洲改变法律是一个复杂的过程。法律是不能仅是因为澳洲总理宣布一项事宜就立刻改变。有无数的例子证明,政府公告说要更改某项特定的政策,结果在面对公众意见后只能适当修改,甚至形成政策逆转,或是无法将此改变议案通过议会。举例来说,前任总理约翰.霍华德与昨天糖宝总理一样宣布对公民法规提出更改,结果只能大大的修改他所提出的政策变革。政客通常说着大话,实际能取得的结果却是很小的。While it is clear that Government intends to abolish 457 visas from next year, the details of the new provisions at this stage are a matter of speculation.但是目前很清楚从明年政府打算废除457签证,对于新法规的细节目前还仅是猜测。There has been much confusion as to how the proposed 457 changes will affect the 186 visa. 关于此项打算实施的457变革会如何影响到186,大家有许多疑惑。

As you may have read from 19 April 2017 the list of occupations on the skilled occupations has been reduced by 216 occupations.  In addition 59 of the occupations on the new list have caveats.  大家可能了解到从2017年4月19日,职业清单已被减少了216个,除此以外,另外新清单上的59个职业都出现了限制要求。
The new lists have been renamed: o   the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) as the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL); and
o   the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) as the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL).新清单已改名:o   原SOL职业清单已改名为MLTSSL中长期战略技术清单
o   原CSOL统一担保职业清单改名为STSOL短期技术职业清单
Furthermore the Government has foreshadowed it may again be change the new list from as early as July 2017.更者,澳洲政府已经预告了在2017年7月新清单还会发生改变。What if I already have a 457 visa? 如果我已持有457签证?
People who currently hold 457 visas will continue to hold them as normal.  The proposed changes affect new applications or those not yet decided.目前持有457签证的持有者可以继续正常持有该签证。政府想要进行的457变革只会影响到新的457签证申请或是未出结果的457签证申请。
Q & A有客户提问:如果就先获得两年的短期457工作签,续签一次后,累积三年工作经验后,是否可以转永居?
回答:不行,移民局已明确457的两类工作签,仅有一种四年长期的签证在工作满3年后,才是可以转永居。What if I have a 457 visa and want to transition to a 186 visa?如果我已持有457签证,想要过渡到186签证?
Current 457 visa holders who apply for a 186 on the “Temporary Residence Transition” (TRT) stream are NOT AFFECTED by the current changes, at least until March 2018.  This is regardless of whether or not the person’s particular occupation has been removed from the skill occupation list.  The only likely change in the near future is that from 1 July 2017 any TRT applicant will be required to have competent English (IELTS 6 in all bands).目前457签证持有者如果是通过186的临时居留过渡类(TRT)来申请永居的并不受此改变的影响,至少在2018年3月以前。不管该457签证持有者的职业是否已不再新技术清单上。唯一在最近可能发生的改变是,从2017年7月1日起,任何TRT申请人可能都要具备能力英语(及雅思四项四个6)。
After March 2018 the situation for TRT 186s is not clear and will depend on the enacted legislation.  At this stage it is highly speculative as to what will happen after March 2018.2018年3月以后,对于186TRT的情形尚不明朗,取决于法律是否生效。对于2018年3月会发生什么情况目前还仅是推测。The situation becomes more complicated if you are granted a 457 visa after 19 April 2017.  For example, the maximum four year visa period will only be available where the primary applicant’s occupation is on the MLTSSL.  For all other applicants where their occupation is not on the MLTSSL, a maximum visa period of two years will be available.  However under the proposed March 2018 changes, those granted two year 457s will not have a pathway to a TRT 186 visa. 如果您在2017年4月19日以后才批下457签证,情况可能就更复杂一点。举例来说,最多的4年期签证只会给主申请人的职业在MLTSSL清单上。对于申请人职业不在MLTSSL清单上的申请人,他们只能最多获得两年期签证。但是根据打算在2018年3月实施的变革,那些只获得两年457签证的申请人则不能申请186TRT。


What about direct entry 186? 186直接入境这条途径会怎样?
The main effect on the direct entry (DE) stream for 186 visas is that the nominated occupation must be on the occupation list in force at the time.  Theoretically it is still possible to apply for a DE 186 visa based on an occupation from the STSOL.  HOWEVER, it is proposed that from March 2018 the nominated occupation must be from the MLTSSL.  对于186直接入境(DE)的主要影响是提名职业需在目前生效的职业清单上。理论上说,还可能依据STSOL的职业来申请186DE。但是,极有可能从2018年3月开始提名职业需在MLTSSL上。

另外,今年7月对于457高薪的豁免的火也非常可能烧到186上,对于雇主的审查绝对会越来越严苛,只有对法律的最准确把握,才能真正把案子做到滴水不漏,打算申请186的申请人请尽快联系我们,只有最专业的服务才能在这情形严峻的移民形式下帮到大家。福利 时间
澳大利亚商业投资移民·税务专场活动即将举行,国内读者与专栏作者面对面的机会来了。Yang & Duri 移民服务公司力邀领澳洲赢会计师事务所的两位资深会计师,将于2017年5月10日至5月18日到中国去见您!
具体日程安排:2017年5月10日-5月12日 上海  浦东假日酒店2017年5月13日-5月18日 北京  京伦饭店
2017年5月14日下午1:30- 4:30北京专题讲座-澳洲移民与房产投资中的专业秘籍。澳洲前移民局法官艾伦杜里阁下及其团队联合讲座,有中文翻译。
澳洲:+61 2 9195 6986
微信:Leadin06电邮:[email protected]截止日期:2017年5月5日,请备注姓名、电话、邮箱及参会城市。

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