金牛座面对 考 核 的态度:
有点墨守成规,要点能记下来90%,胸有成竹地去到考场,牢记着答案要有层次,有亮点,有标志词语。结果每一个答案,都有层次,有亮点,有标志词语……Relax! 尤其是 托 业 的口语 考 核 ,一定要灵活,不要像下面这个对话一样,
问题:What can we do to the pollution problems?
牛同学:There are three solutions. Firstly ... In addition ... Thirdly...
问题:What can we do to heal the world?
牛同学:There are three ways. Firstly... In addition... Thirdly...
问题:What can you do to set a good example for others?
牛同学:I will do three things. Firstly... In addition... Thirdly...
(最后得分可想而知,肯定也与优秀分数分开层次了……) 金牛座考前诀窍:
不要把所有问题都“照章办事”,有层次有规律是好的,但也要灵活运用,做到“牛”“羊”配啦! 金牛座 考 核 特点:循规蹈矩式