
  macabre adj. 骇人的,可怕的(grim and horrible;gruesome)
  magisterial adj. 有权威的(authoritative;official);威风的
  [例]Something in Christopher responded to the older man’s air of authority; he looked magisterial, used to command.
  magnanimous adj. 宽宏大量的,慷慨的(noble in mind;high souled)
  magniloquence n. 夸夸其谈,虚夸(the quality or state of being magniloquent)
  malicious adj. 恶意的,怨毒的(spiteful;intentionally mischievous or harmful)
  [记]来自malice(n. 恶意)+ious→恶意的
  [例]No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly malicious program that is designed to infect and electronically damage the disks on which data are stored.
  malign v. 诽谤,中伤(to defame;slander;traduce);adj. 邪恶的(evil;baleful;sinister)
  [同]malicious, despiteful, malevolent, rancorous, spiteful
  malignant adj. 恶毒的,充满恨意的(very malevolent or malicious)
  [例]The surgeons were worried about the possibility of finding a malignant growth in the patient.
  [同]despiteful, hateful, malign, rancorous
  malleable adj. 可塑的,易改变的(capable of being changed;adaptable)
  [例]When clay dries out, it loses its plasticity and becomes less malleable.
  [同]plastic, ductile, moldable, pliable, supple
  mandatory adj. 命令的,强制的(authoritatively commanded;obligatory)
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