完美经典款Toyota camry好车出售,附带几个月的rego,2000刀,可议价

开起来很舒服也很爽的一款经典车,不烧机油,是6 cylinder的发动机,安静有力,底盘稳,高速提速快而且省油,内部和后备箱空间很大,刚换的轮胎,空调启动很快,夏天很凉爽,冬天很温暖,遥控门锁,电动后视镜,本人很讲卫生,车内保持整洁,无异味,本人还配了蓝牙播放器,可以连接手机,接听电话 听手机里的音乐,音响效果很好,日本车在电子方面的优势。车皮结实,即使你没有车库也不怕,因为再强劲的冰雹,也不能造成一点点损坏。定期保养,每一个部件工作正常,附带四月到期的rego,到手就能马上上路,只要2000刀,可议价。如果有兴趣,可议价,希望为我的爱车找一个能好好照顾它的新主人。有意者可联系  0404171736 Mark,本人很nice,尽情来电骚扰。
I'm selling my best and loyal friend,which is the most classical version of Camry getting the following awesome properties:
1. with powerful and quiet engine(6 cyclinders)
2.Freezing air condition
3.Tidy inside as shown in the photos
4.Enough space inside and in trunk for family trip 
5.6 CD player and bluetooth FM transmitter
6.6 sperkers make your long journey full of fun
7.Strong enough to resist against hail storm,it's already gone through countless hail storm and no hail damage caused.
8.Currently chaged tyre
9.regularly maintained
10.comes with Rego until April 2016
11. only 2 owners 
12.Everything is functional
13.Low petrol consumption and make you feel like Fast and Furious on the highway
14.electric exterior rear vision mirrors
15.reasonable price,,perfect car for driving practice,road trip,backpacker

Any one who is interested in it is welcome to call or text  me 0404171736,if you really like it,we can furhter dicuss the price.

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