整洁明亮房间300米到 Warrigal Centre/华联超市

整洁房间, 300米到麦当劳, Warrigal Centre、Runcorn Plaza

  • 走路去  Woolworths,华联超市,小尾羊等美食多多

  • 150152156157545 等多路公车Bus去各大学 Griffith University,QUT,UQ,CQU),

  • 包家俱,水电,无限高速上网。整洁明亮,     环境优雅舒适.

  • 欢迎爱干净、不吸烟者(可接收中文短信w
  • 电话:0451 60 1268 (中英文)
  • 微信:Zhangxiaomei6
  • 邮箱 [email protected]
  • 地址 Springsure St, Runcorn
    Beautiful, clean, fully furnished,about 300 metre walking to  Runcorn Plazaor Warrigal shopping centre ,
  • short walk to BUS stop of 150, 152, 156, 157, 545.
  • Easy to Garden City, City, Sunnybank, QUT, Griffith University,QUT,UQ,CQU.
  • Rent includes water, electricity,unlimited internet

  • Please contact Charmaine 0451 60 1268
  • Wechat:Zhangxiaomei6.

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