:loveliness:开始考 CPA了,想多认识一些有同样计划的朋友们。考过CPA的大侠,有二手资料卖或者经验介绍的话,也请联系我哦!
我考过FR 和 Ethics 了,卖相关资料包括BPP study kit ,价钱好商量
下学期考SMA 和 Tax.
关于BPP资料的说明 http://www.cpaaustralia.com.au/cps/rde/xchg/cpa-site/hs.xsl/pd-cpa-program-support.html BPP Learning MediaProvide the following supplementary revision materials: Revision Kits For professional level compulsory segments; the kit contains practice questions and answers to prepare you for exams, revision skills and exam techniques. Passcards For foundation level units and professional level segments; Passcards are small cards that summarise important topics, designed to help you revise and prepare for exams.