作者: Young13 时间: 2018-11-27 15:57
现在需要可以夜班工作的叉车司机哈22:00-6:15 作者: Nine0204 时间: 2019-3-11 19:01
请问你是在哪里考的叉车证啊?作者: Nine0204 时间: 2019-3-11 19:01
请问你是在哪里考的叉车证啊?作者: Mr.monkey@a 时间: 2019-4-14 02:08
HI作者: Mr.monkey@a 时间: 2019-4-14 02:20
Hello, I am from Hong Kong.
I have a forklift driver's license in Hong Kong
I will go to forklift training and let me get the forklift driver's license from Australia.
I have a ForkLift Driver job experience in Hong Kong Airport cargo Terminal.
I hope I can find the Forklift driver jobs in Adelaide, thank you