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标题: 最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:favourite location for swimmin [打印本页]

作者: yongjia25    时间: 2017-7-6 18:46
标题: 最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:favourite location for swimmin
5-8月雅思口语题库Part2话题,希望对广大烤鸭的口语备考添一点成功的筹码,7月奋战口语7分正在当下!5-8月要考试的同学们来收题啦!范文,仅供参考,推荐大家整理属于自己的故事、观点与经历。本文话题:Describe your favourite location for swimming.游泳

You should say:
what and where it is
how often you visit this place
who do you go there with
and explain why this is your favourite location for swimming.
Where I grew up as a child there's a great place to go swimming. We used to go all the time, especially in the summer months because it was super cool in the water and we could cool down from the heat of the day.
The place is a small bay on the coast in the south of the country. It was really close to my grandparent's house where I spent the summer months during my childhood. This place was incredibly popular with people – and everyone went there to enjoy the beach, the water and just spend time with their friends and family.
At the weekends it was always busy with young children and families and some would even stay and cook lunch on open fires on the beach after swimming and spending the morning there. It was a great family day out.
We used to jump off an old pier there which jutted out into the bay. The pier was an old wooden structure which was about 3 meters above the water so it was great for diving off into the water. I can remember some really good times there with some of the other local kids who lived there.
I still go there sometimes when I visit my grandparents, just for old time's sake, to revisit some of those wonderful memories. It's not just a great place for swimming, it also has a great beach, and a terrific view, especially in the evening when the sun is going down.
It's definitely one of the most popular places to go swimming, and much better than a swimming pool.

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