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标题: 雅思日记 (5 Jan 2012) - Accuracy in Writing [打印本页]

作者: ricstie    时间: 2012-1-5 15:09
标题: 雅思日记 (5 Jan 2012) - Accuracy in Writing
雅思日记 (5 Jan 2012) - Accuracy in Writing
2012-01-05 12:51 (分类:默认分类)
几个雅思写作得到很高的分数 (8-9分) 的朋友都告诉我,写作高分的前提是不犯任何错误。所以这种找茬的练习是很重要的。常见的错误很简单:
(1) Spelling;
(2) Tense;
(3) Subject-verb Agreement;
(4) Word form;
(5) Preposition;
(6) Punctuation.
Spelling基本是个实力的问题,只能说如果要打算在考试中用一些容易拼错的词,比如repercussion, maneuver, entrepreneurial的话,必须在考前就用得非常非常非常熟练,要不然就用consequence, conduct, industrial这样的词代替。
相对非常容易出错而且很难看出来的是preposition, agreement和tense,这个问题嘛,就是思路一定得清晰。这是个general trend (present tense)还是个过去一直存在的问题(have been doing结构)? 究竟主语有几个? 有没有preposition? 一开始就要想好,不然真的看不出来。
以下是一个练习 (IELTS Advanced Writing, Qunyan Press, pg 36)
In 1995, employment prospects were generally good. Computer Science, Business and Law were the most sought after professions for graduations, and close to 90% gain employment in these areas. Engineering and teaching followed close behind around 80% and 75% respectively. Science and the Arts was the least sought after for employers, but even in these areas around 60% found jobs.
However, in 2005 the situation has changed and there were fewer jobs available in most areas, except for Sciences, which increased by about 5% in popular. Teaching remained relatively unchanged and Engineering and the Arts both felled about 10 percent, to 65 and 50 percent respectively.
In 1995, employment prospects were generally good. Computer Science, Business and Law were the most sought after professions for graduations (employers), and close to 90% gain (gained) employment in these areas. Engineering and teaching (Teaching) followed close (closely) behind around (at around) 80% and 75% respectively. Science and the Arts (Arts) was (were) the least sought after for employers, but even in these areas around 60% found jobs.
However, in 2005 the situation has (had) changed and there were fewer jobs available in most areas, except for Sciences, which increased by about 5% in popular (popularity). Teaching remained relatively unchanged and (, and/but) Engineering and the Arts (Arts) both felled (fell) about 10 percent, to 65 and 50 percent respectively.
In 1995, employment prospects were generally good. Computer Science, Business and Law (Law – word form) were the most sought after professions for graduations (graduates – word form), and close to 90% gain (gained – past tense) employment in these areas. Engineering and teaching followed close behind around (at around - preposition) 80% and 75% respectively. Science and the Arts was (were – subject-verb agreement) the least sought after for (by – preposition) employers, but even in these areas around 60% found jobs.
However, in 2005 the situation has changed (had changed – past perfect tense) and there were fewer jobs available in most areas, except for Sciences, which increased by about 5% in popular (popularity – word form). Teaching remained relatively unchanged and (, and  - punctuation)Engineering and the Arts both felled about 10 percent, to 65 and 50 percent respectively.

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