My name is A , I am a permanent resident / citizen of Australia. My friend/nephew/niece B lodged an application for Australian permanent residence on date . B hasbeen categorized as Group 5 -the group of the very least priority which would be subject to endless waiting due to the frequentamendments of immigration policy by immigration authorities.. I haveknown B for many years, and during this time B has encountered a number of difficulties and problems in his/her life which should not happen to him/her . (As the only child in his/her family ,) B cannot apply the Sponsored Family Visitor visa for his/her elderly parents when they miss each other, and a lot of limitations have been imposed in his/her job hunting because he/she does not have permanent residence.(1. Her/His husband/wife cannot reunite with each other for years.2. B/B’s wife is now pregnant/with children,and due to non-permanent residency status, the couple has been isolatedfrom family overseas as they are not entitled to sponsor their parentsfor family visitor visa. Therefore, their children are unable to meettheir grandparents.)
However, B
hasalways been law-abiding, hard workingand paying taxes according toregulations in Australia. I sympathize with my (friend/nephew/niece) in his/her misfortune and I am dissatisfied with the way he/she has been treated by Department of Immigration. I hope the Department gives every eligible applicant including my friend/nephew/niece a fair go to demonstrate the humanity and fairness of Australia government
I thank you for your time and understanding.
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