More Universities
Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge
Brunel University, London/Middlesex
Canterbury Christ Church College University, Kent
The London Institute
University of Arts London (London Institute), London
Northumbria University, Newcastle
Roehampton University, London
School of Oriental & Africa Studies, London
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield
University College Chichester, Oxford
University College London, London
University of Brighton, Brighton
University of East Anglia, Norwich
University of Greenwich, London
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
University of Kent at Canterbury, Kent
University of Leicester, Leicester
University of Plymouth, Plymouth
University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
University of Reading, Reading
University of Sussex, Sussex
University of Wales Aberystwyth, Wales
University of Wales Bangor, Bangor
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
University of Bradford, Bradford
University of Glamorgan, Glamorgan
Thames Valley University, London
Kaplan (FTC)Kaplan Birmingham
Kaplan Nottingham
Kaplan Reading
Kaplan Glasgow
Kaplan London
Kaplan Manchester
Kaplan Leeds
Kaplan Liverpool
Kaplan Leicester Centre
LondonKingston College
Regents College
Millennium City Academy (MCA)
London School of Business and Management (LSBM)
Eden House College
More CollegesColleges (offer university level studies)
Greenwich School of Management, London
(Offering both Undergraduate & Postgraduate studies of the University of Hull)
London School of Commerce, London
(Offering both Undergraduate & Postgraduate studies of the Northumbria University, University of East London)
Broxtowe College Nottingham, Nottingham
(Accredited official partner college of the University of Nottingham for the foundation programme)
Warwickshire College, Warwickshire
(Accredited official partner college of the University of Warwick for the foundation programme)