找工作的一点经验 (5): 常问的问题
(1) Are you a US citizen or national,permanent resident?
(2) Are you currently speaking to other recruiters in our company?
(3) Do you mind relocating to this city? We don't cover relocation
fees, is that a problem?
(4) Tell me sth about your current status on job search, is
there any pending offer?
(5) what kind of companies are you targeting and what kind of
opportunities interviewing for?
(6) Why are you looking to leave your company? what is missing
for you there?
(7) why are you considering opportunites with our company?
how does a position here fit into your long term career goal?
(8) How can we best utilize your skills? what product/technology
are you most interested in working with? what would your ideal job
(9) Tell me sth about yourself.
(10) Summarize your technical skills.
(11) Out of these, what is your primary of expertise?
(12) As you look ahead to potential career opportunities, what
are the "must have" criteria that you will be using to determine which
opportunity is the right one for you?
(13) what difficult technical problem have you been able to overcome
that you are most proud of? How did you solve that problem? why you
think it is the best solution?
(14) Tell me a story about yourself.
(15) what are your greatest stengths?
(16) What are your greatest weakness?
(17) DO you have leadership?
(18) what do you do in your spare time?
(19) How can you contribute to this company?
(20) Where do you hope to be in five years?
(21) What interests you most about this position?
(22) How long do you plan to be with this company?
(23) Why did you change jobs so often in last few years?
(24) What are you career goals?
(25) what are you doing to achieve your goals?
(26) what did you like most about your last job?
(27) why are you looking for another job?
(28) what do you think your employer's obligations are to you?
(29) what kind of decisions are most difficult for you?
(30) what causes you to lose your temper?
(31) what is your greatest accomplishement?
(32) what type of salary do you have in mind?
(33) Tell me some new techniques you are studying
(34) what's the most recent programming lauguage you learnt?
(35) why do you like programming?
(36) what's good code?
(37) how do you test your code?
(38) what do you do if you are working with a difficult person?
(39) how do you communicate with people from different cultures?
(40) In what ways are you learning new technologies?
(42) why do you think you are the best candidate for this position?
(43) Describe a typical day for your job.
(44) what can you do for us that the other candidates can't?
(45) why should we hire you?
(46) what do you know about out company or this position?
(47) What has been the most challenging situation you have faced
(48) Do you enjoy testing code?
(49) How would you characterize your philosophy toward testing?
(50) How do you generally teach yourself a new technical skill?
个人的情况,不要有标准答案,更不能从Knock'em Dead那本书上照搬,说不
定面试你的人看过那本书. 找工作的一点经验 (6): 你可以问的问题
(1) what would my responsibilities and duties for?
(2) what are the most difficult aspects of this position?
(3) what si the philopsophy on training and development there?
(4) what projects would I be involved in now, in the future?
(5) who would I be working for and with?
(6) To who will I report?
(7) when would you need me to start?
(8) what type of training is required? and how ?
(9) what are the criteria of performance evaluation?
(10) how regularly do performance evaluations occur?
(11) what would be my first assignment?
(12) who will be the company's major competitor?
(13) where is the job located? what are the travel requirements?
(14) what role would you hope I would play in these goals?
(15) what are the potential career paths within the company?
(16) How do you want me to communicate with you in daily work,
email, stop by or phone? 找工作的一点经验 (7): on-site interview
On-site interview就说明你有很大的可能了,去面试要好好准备,
(4) 要有自信,不要忐忑不安,说话流利,面带笑容,不要吞吞吐吐.
(6)有时候表达不清楚时,可以在white board上画个图来解释.不要
看手表来决定还剩几分种.一般一个session 45分钟或1个小时,
(7) 别忘了要每个人的联系方式,以便你写感谢信或者EMAIL.
(8) 有条件的话去之前找个朋友练习一下.
还有,装简历和其他资料的夹子最好是皮的,office depot 等地方有卖的,
20$就差不多了.用纸的夹子显的不太好. 找工作的一点经验 (8): Follow up and offer
I know every one wants an offer.
甚至更长.耐心等待. 但是别忘了给每个人写个感谢信,
选手,当然要列出个123. 然后说,我真的希望明天就能
和你们这些talented people一起工作(虽然他们也可能
问了些stupid的问题), 真是我的荣幸之类的话.
等到你真的拿到offer了,别忘了稍微跟他们negotiate 一下,
虽然现在的市场很糟糕. 可是你别希望能有多大的改进,
除非你手里握着其他更好的offer. 所以要多努力,
才有可能有讨价还价的余地. 实际上,大多数人都找的
焦头烂额的了,哪有心思再去要多那么2000块钱啊. 能
就这么多了,大家有好的经验请补充, 说白了,找工作靠下面
Chance only favors those heads that are prepared.
别忘了让你信教的朋友给你祈祷一下,我真想说:Thank God!