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标题: 【PTE词汇】PTE话题素材一大分类Business Administration [打印本页]

作者: 朱定争    时间: 2018-1-12 19:49
标题: 【PTE词汇】PTE话题素材一大分类Business Administration
1. accreditation n. 委派,认证,资格认可
the act of granting official approval or recognition
2. entity n. 实体
that which is perceived to have its own distinct existence
3. proactive adj. 前摄的,有前瞻性的
causing something to happen rather than waiting to respond
4. internship n. 实习期,实习
the position of one working for an expert to learn a trade
5. tort n. 侵权行为
a wrong doing for which an action for damages may be brought
?6. oriented adj. 导向的,定向的
adjusted or located in relation to surroundings
7. administrator n. 管理人,行政官
someone who manages a government agency or department
8. operational adj. 操作的,运作的
pertaining to a series of actions for achieving a result
9. shareholder n. 股东,股票持有人
someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation
10. management n. 管理
the act of controlling something
?11. corporation n. 公司,法人(团体)
a business firm recognized by law as a single body
12. corporate adj. 法人的,共同的,公司的
of or belonging to a business firm
13. liability n. 责任,债务
the state of being legally obliged and responsible
14. partnership n. 合伙
a cooperative relationship between peopleor groups
15. statutory adj. 法定的,法令的
relating to or created by regulations
16. ensure v. 保证,确保
make certain of
17.  bureaucratic adj. 官僚的
of or relating to unnecessary procedures and red tape
18.  abridged adj. 删节的,削减的
shortened by condensing or rewriting
19.  governance n. 管理,统治,支配
the act of exercising authority
20.  accounting n. 会计,会计学
a system that gives quantitative information about finances
?21.  defining adj. 典型的,起决定作用的
the process of determining the form ormeaning of something
22.  functional adj. 功能的
designed for or capable of a particular use
23.  restructure v. 调整,更改结构
form anew
24.  cooperative adj. 合作的
involving the joint activity of two or more
25.  vendor n. 卖主,供应商
someone who exchanges goods or services formoney
26.  administration n. 管理,行政
the act of governing or exercising authority
27.  function n. 功能,职责
what something is used for
28.  jurisdiction n. 司法权,管辖权
the territory within which power can be exercised
29.  objective n. 目的,目标
the goal intended to be attained
30.  marketing n. 行销,销售
the commercial processes in promoting and selling something
?31.  subsidiary n. 子公司
functioning in a supporting capacity
32.  consistency n. 一致性,相容性
a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts
33.  operation n. 操作,经营
process or manner of functioning
34.  personnel n. 人事部门,全体人员
group of people willing to obey orders
35.  executive n. 总经理,执行委员会,执行者
a person responsible for the administration of a business
36.  monitor n. 监控,监督员
someone who observes to ensure fairness or prevent mistakes
37.  output n. 输出,产量
production of a certain amount
38.  resource n. 资源,财力
aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed
39.  delegate n. 代表v. 委派
a person appointed or elected to represent others
40.  creditor n. 债权人
a person to whom money is owed by a debtor
?41.  charitable adj. 慈善事业的
relating to or characterized by voluntary giving
42.  manager n. 经理,管理人员
someone who controls resources and expenditures
43.  finance n. 财政,金融
the commercial activity of providing funds and capital
44.  charter n. 执照,宪章
a document creating an institution and specifying its rights
45.  proprietor n. 业主,经营者
someone who owns a business
46.  pension n. 退休金,抚恤金
regular payment to allow a person to subsist without working
47.  charity n. 慈善
an institution set up to provide help to the needy
48.  partner n. 合伙人
a person who is a member of a cooperative relationship
49.  representative n. 代表,adj.典型的
serving to typify
50.  staff n. 职员
a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose
?51.  train v. 培训
educate for a future role or function
52.  contract n. 合同
a binding agreement that is enforceable by law
53.  capital n. 大写字母,资本家,资金
a large sum of money which you use to start a business, or which you invest in order to make more money
54.  stock n. 股份,库存
a supply of something available for future use
55.  policy n. 政策,方针
a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group
56.  trust n. 信任,信赖
belief in the honesty and reliability of others

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